A fresh and insightful perspective to many of today's issues, such as: current events, politics, health related topics, economics, relationships, and principles for daily living. These topics are dedicated to exposing you to relevant information that affects you, to encourage you to think critically about that information, and to encourage you to make sound and reasonable decisions that will benefit you and the ones you love. Enjoy the videos and posts, visit when you can and live well!

Monday, April 30, 2007

Where are the Men(tors)?

Proverbs 17:6 says Children’s children (grandchildren) are the crown of old men (grandfathers); and the glory of the children is their father. We need for the men to stand up and be counted. We don’t need any more men to take advantage of women for their own selfish gratification. We have enough irresponsible people making babies and not raising them. We need men of standards, morals and ethics. We need men that will take responsibility for the wrong and the right that they do. I didn’t say that you have to be perfect, but we need for you to be accountable for your actions. There are too many women raising our young men. Thank God for the women, but they can’t train a boy to be a man. Remember this saying and you will never overstep your boundaries, “You can’t teach someone what you don’t know, and you can’t come back from where you’ve never been.”

It’s a shame when there’s no influential male figure in the life of some of these grown male celebrities. Many times we see a big 300 lbs man waving to his “mommy” on television. That mother made more of a lasting impression on that young man than the one through whom God created Him, his biological father. Again, thanks to the mothers, I love my mother dearly, but men produce men. Males just produce babies and have the anatomical member that distinguishes them from females. But a man has a heart-felt conviction, integrity, and committment to God. We all know a personal example or two of males that were raised by their mothers, grandmothers, aunts, big sisters, etc. Women are naturally nurturers, and that’s a beautiful thing. But sometimes the nurturer holds on too long and the male child gets out of balance with his emotional development. The boy never becomes a man and more than likely he becomes a “mama’s boy.” He will eventually look for another woman to take care of him if he ever leaves his mother’s house. A lot of women who are insecure and want the physical presence of a male around will attach herself to this type of male, and the cycle continues. Are you noticing that I’m not calling him a man? Subconsciously, she’s still in a mothering mode, making excuses for this male figure. Why doesn’t he work or hardly work? Why doesn’t he have a car? Why is living with his mother or in your house and not paying any bills? Why is she always paying for the restaurant tab when they go out? It’s because neither one of them is use to being around a real man. He’s a mama’s boy and she’s a mother that won’t let go. Look, it takes two people to make a child, and it takes two people to raise the child, as well. Some of these women are doing the best they can in their situations, and I commend them, but the onus is on the males. The male is the producer, the female is the carrier. The life of the child is in the seed of the male. That’s your baby man! However, if the young man’s father isn’t around for whatever reason, another man in that child’s life, who has a vested interest in that kid’s well-being can step up and fill in from time to time. If there isn’t another man around, Jesus taught the church to take care of the widows and the fatherless. Where are the men(tors)?

Although it was spoken in jest, it was so profoundly stated in the immortal words of Fred G. Sanford, “it’s much harder to be a father than it is to become one.” God works through fathers, because earthly fathers are a physical representation of Him here on the earth. Fathers are, and should be, the embodiment of authority, leadership, protection and provision. A father isn’t the one who procreated with the mother. That’s just a sperm donor. A turtle can have sex. But a father, a man, is responsible for his family and his actions. A man doesn’t just make babies and brag. He doesn’t neglect and runaway from his responsibilities. A man faces his problems, asks God to help him and follows through. Men aren’t perfect, but men strive for perfection. Men get scared, but men aren’t cowards. Men cry, but men aren’t babies. Men get lonely, but men aren’t insecure. Men love their mothers, but men are mama’s boys. Are you teaching your son/protégé this? Are you teaching him how to be a leader? A woman can give birth to the next Rev. Martin Luther King. But who is going to train him? There are abilities in all of our children to be great. But who is going to bring that greatness out of them? Don’t let someone else train your child and do your job. It is an honor that God has bestowed upon you to take His heritage (children) to shape and mold them to be used for His glory. Be proactive and be an active part of your child’s life and upbringing. There are unique circumstances, but do your best to be there for your child, financially and physically.

Don’t let society and the enemies of your child’s destiny steal your future. When you train your child, you’re imparting the wisdom and guidance for the generations that will come through this child. In the Bible days, it was no small thing to be a man of posterity. Today, we have matriarchs, i.e., Madea, Auntie, or Big Momma, and that’s a beautiful thing. In the Bible days, they had the patriarchs: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The lineage, the covenant, the heritage and the traditions were passed down through the men. We’re not doing that today. The children of today don’t know anything about history, not even recent history. Somewhere between the baby boomer generation and my generation, there was a great disconnect. The males are falling victim to the insights of Adolph Hitler. In his book Mein Kampf, Hitler basically stated that if you can control the women, then you have the children, so follow the males. This is no accident why society is so backwards these days. Males are following, yet the MEN, though smaller in number, are still leading and producing. Feminism is on the rise, and I don’t blame the women. I blame the males! Remember in the Garden of Eden when the serpent tricked Eve to eat the fruit? Did you notice that nothing happened when she ate it? The world was still in tact. But when Adam ate the fruit is when we experienced Paradise Lost, and the curse came. God put everything into Adam’s charge and then Eve was taken from his side and reunited with him. Men, it’s in your hands! You are an integral part of the success of your children, your family, your community, your nation, and this world.

Males have an identity crisis. A lot of times males identify with everything other than who they really are. Men come directly from the One who spoke all of this into existence. Men, you are NOT a monkey! You are NOT the descendant of a three celled amoeba from 13 billion years ago! You are NOT a loser! You are NOT a pimp! You are NOT a thug! You are NOT a gangster! You are NOT dumb! You are NOT a slave! But a lot of times our males act like the world perceives them. Herein lies the identity crisis. Who are you? Are you men? Where are you men? Are you men(tors)? Are you just a male or are you a man? Are you being and teaching your son/protégé how to be a responsible young man? Are you teaching your son/protégé how to think for himself? Are you teaching your son/protégé how to be a man of integrity? This isn’t to say that he’ll grasp everything right now, but the best way to grasp a principle is to see it in action and practice it. For example, integrity is an intangible concept; you can’t touch it with your hands and put it in your pocket. But a person can live a life of integrity in the midst of a person to emulate. What types of examples are available for your son/protégé to see everyday? I don’t care what you see on television, the radio, or what your guardians, teachers or some uninformed preacher says, You ARE created in the image and likeness of God with a divine purpose! You may be a prodigal son, but come on home, young man! Look around you. Look at the vastness of all that is around you. This was created for you. When God created the heavens and the earth and the trees and things, He said it was good, but when He created Adam, the Bible says God said it was VERY good. Man of God, you are a very good thing, and so is a Godly woman. Now go raise your very good kids and put a smile on God’s face. Live well.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Financial Insight for Today

These are some financial tips that can help take you to the next level in your financial thinking. You can only go in the direction your mind is taking you.

  • In any economy: Investors (5% of the economy) control and finance industries. They make the most money and do the least physical wok of these three groups. Managers (15% of the population) run companies and manage people. Employees (80% of the population) do all of the work and make the least amount of money of these three groups.
  • Beware of the financial and prosperity books on the market. Some of them have a lot of good info in them, but a lot of them are overlaps of other books, or only tell you half of the reality of economics. A lot of times the authors are exactly that-they are authors, not investors.
  • The very wealthy don’t divulge much information, and they save the most lucrative investments for themselves. But the information is available, keep looking.
  • Don’t believe the lie that it “sounds too good to be true” and “if it was that easy everyone would be doing it.” Sometimes that is the case, but sometimes it isn’t.
  • The very wealthy don’t divulge their actual worth, nor are they in the Forbe’s listings. Bill Gates is very wealthy, but he’s not “top shelf” in the grand scheme of things, in the world of finance. There are banking family dynasties that have been controlling industries for over 100 years. Some estimates state that their assets are valued in the trillions.
  • Don’t just learn what the wealthy want you to know; learn what the wealthy know and how they do it, then do it.
  • Have dreams and goals bigger than what you can do on your own.
  • Remember to keep up with the times and the markets. Understand that money is the life blood of every sector of the economy. Learn how money works.
  • In the 21st century, just being a good employee isn’t good enough. Low paying and mid range jobs are being outsourced every year. Learn how to make your money work harder than you do.
  • The Stock, Securities and Equities Markets are funded by average wage earners. The wealthy corporations, hedge funds and 401K’s use this money to earn interest, while the average wage earners get paltry returns. What would happen if you took your own money and did what they know to do?
  • If your investment (401K, pension, etc.) makes 25% in a year, what do you think the fund made? They can’t pay you what they don’t have. They probably made more than a 100%.
  • Without workers the entire economic system fails.
  • Brokers don’t care if you make money. They get commissions for executing trades, not building your portfolio. If your investment loses money, they still get paid.
  • Real Estate is net worth; Trading currencies, stocks and securities is liquid. You can’t spend a net worth, you can only borrow against it or liquidate your assets to spend the cash. Don’t get caught up in credit and net worth. Cash always spends. If you have cash, cash is king.
  • Compounding Interest is how the very wealthy get wealthier. Working hard might build character, but it burns you out, in comparison.
  • Don’t co-sign for people, unless you’re willing to assume their liability.
  • Beware of salespeople. A lot of them are just looking for commissions, and don’t care about you and your situation.
  • Beware of marketing stunts. A lot of the construction material suppliers are hiring beautiful women to market to a male-dominated industry.
  • A $100,000.00 amortized 30 year mortgage at 5% will cost you approximately 2-1/2 to 3 times the initial loan amount when you pay the 360th payment.
  • Don’t listen to mainstream financial gurus. They give you mainstream perspective, and that information is not what the wealthy use.
  • Follow the examples, principles or the insights of prominent investors and analysts. The book, Market Wizards by Jack Schwager, lists many of them. They turned small amounts of money, relatively speaking, into massive portfolios. These people can make money during good and bad times. Doom and gloom analysts are amateurs.
  • If everyone made the proper financial decisions, then the markets couldn’t work. Remember that the markets are a zero-sum game, i.e., someone wins while the other person loses. You might as well win.
  • Be professional in your financial dealings. You will be surprised at how well some people will receive you if you can act the part.
  • Don’t give your business to or do business with unprofessional people.
  • Most times, real money people only see green. Racism and discrimination do exist, but if you can show the money people that you can bring value to their bottom line, they’d be a fool to not consider you and/or your idea.
  • Build up your financial vocabulary and buy a financial dictionary.
  • Don’t flaunt any successes you have. Your results will speak for themselves.
  • Don’t give advice to people who don’t want it. Some people are comfortable where they are. You can warn someone, or ask them if they have heard about what you know, but don’t pressure them or appear to be a know-it-all. Give your advice to people who pursue your insight.
  • Hang out where the wealthy hang out, if you can. They might frequent a golf club, a restaurant, a social lounge, etc. You never know what information you may get.

You won’t be status quo following this information. Live well and be prosperous!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Politics and Religion

Many times you hear people say, there’s two things I don’t discuss, and that's politics and religion. Well, you can't talk about what you don’t know. That’s the problem we have today, these are two big topics and most people have an opinion about them, rather than facts or convictions based on the truth. Let me forewarn you that these topics do get me livid, so forgive me in advance if I digress and rant a bit. Also let me say that most Churches and Christians won’t address these topics. Most pulpits are silenced by the 501 (c) (3) incorporation laws, and can’t instruct the parishioners according to the Word of God on certain issues. Rev. D. James Kennedy* has stated:

“The federal government has proved a tremendous impediment to the ongoing work of Christians. In all the laws that they have passed against Christian schools, gagging the church, taxation, and all kinds of things that they have done, they have made it harder for the church to exercise its prerogatives and to preach the gospel. "Take the last presidential election. There were numbers of things that I knew that I was never able to say from the pulpit because if you advance the cause of one candidate or impede the cause of the other, you can lose your tax exemption. That would have been disastrous not only for the church, but for our school and our seminary, everything. So you are gagged. You cannot do that. The IRS, a branch of our government, has succeeded in gagging Christians."

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

So we have a quote from a prominent American preacher saying that his Church has been gagged by the Government because he didn’t want his church to lose its tax status, and the Bill of Rights says that the Government shouldn’t interfere with Church activities. Something is wrong here. The church is supposed to be salt and light. The church is also considered the ground and the pillar of the truth, but it sure doesn’t appear that way. Let’s take a quick look at IRS Publication 557:


“Although a church, its integrated auxiliaries, or a convention or association of churches is not required to file Form 1023 to be exempt from federal income tax or to receive tax deductible contributions, the organization may find it advantageous to obtain recognition of exemption.”

The church has just fallen asleep at the wheel. Many churches don’t teach the full counsel of God and the parishioners are ill-informed on many issues that are important to us today. For the sake of this article, we will need to use the Bible from time-to-time to substantiate truths, and set a foundation. OK? We’re going to address a few myths and dispel them. Let’s investigate.

People choose sides in political discussions with no substantive reasons, or coherent thought. Christians either don’t know or take the Word of God out of context to make their points one way or the other. Here are a few things to remember when deciphering the Word of God. When God gives instruction, He does so to one of four entities: Individuals, Families, Governments, and the Church. For example, the instruction to Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it- Proverbs 22:6. To whom is the Word of God speaking? To the families. When the Word says “For civil authorities are not a terror to [people of] good conduct, but to [those of] bad behavior. Would you have no dread of him who is in authority? Then do what is right and you will receive his approval and commendation. For he is God's servant for your good. But if you do wrong, [you should dread him and] be afraid, for he does not bear and wear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant to execute His wrath (punishment, vengeance) on the wrongdoer.”Romans 13:3-4 To whom is the Word of God referring? It is referring to the government to execute wrath with a sword. You don’t spank people with a sword; you kill people with a sword. Just a New Testament justification for Capital Punishment, but that’s another topic. Next, when the Word of God offers instructions for Communion in 1 Corinthians 11. Who is supposed to administer the elements? The Church is to serve communion. Lastly, when Jesus preached a repent or perish message to whom was he ministering? He was ministering to individuals. So if we follow the model that God will speak to certain sectors of our society, then we can get a clearer meaning of the Word of God in context on all of today’s political issues. On abortion, for which candidate we should vote, foreign policy, functions of government, military, punishments for crimes, etc.

Now let’s address a few myths, because too often many of our ill-informed brethren pick candidates and parties that are not supportive of the God that we serve. They pick candidates because they provide social programs for needy people. I believe that helping the needy is a great thing. But didn’t Jesus teach the church to help the poor, widows, the fatherless, etc? Or some people will say that these folks are Christians because they are against abortion. It is a good thing to stand against abortion, but that’s just one issue. These politicians are usually against you 9 out of 10 times. Folks, don’t buy the lies, and don’t vote for people because your parents voted for them, your race votes for them or whatever lame excuse people use. You have to know in your own heart that your vote is not being wasting. Remember, the lesser of two evils is still evil.

In the last Presidential election, we had G.W. Bush (R) and John Kerry (D). Although, they were in different parties, they both voted for the war, they are both for gun control, big government, they are members of the same elite organizations, and
they are blood cousins. There are a lot of commonalities here folks. Anyway, Kerry wasn’t going to save you either. This game is staged, especially at that level. Just think of WWE wrestling John Cena vs. the Big Show. The crowd goes wild cheering for their man, while in the luxurious suites in the arena, the owner of the WWE gets wealthier no matter who wins. Same thing happens in politics. New boss, same as the old boss and nothing changes in the grand scheme of things. More control, more taxes, bigger government, etc.


  1. America, during the Clinton Administration, enjoyed prosperous years and many democrats, many of which were African American I might add, laud Clinton as this great president who cared about our plight and caused this great prosperity. It's total fiction! Clinton had nothing to do with the prosperity generated in America during his years in office, and those who credit him with it don’t understand economics. Follow the money folks. Former Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan did a tremendous job of providing the markets with liquidity (printing massive amounts of money). Well, to make a long story short, when the money was printed, it had to go somewhere; it wasn’t going to just sit in bank vaults. Where did the money go? It went into the stock market. Remember the dot com bubble of the 90’s. Little start up companies with little or no earnings had company shares valued at over $100 per share. Folks, that is insanity. These overvalued stocks were unjustifiable and those who were in the game just rode the wave and got rich. So this gave the illusion of prosperity, well it did create prosperity for the people who had 401K plans and other paper assets, because their portfolios kept going up, so they benefited. But not the average and lower wage workers, although lots of jobs were created. So the prosperity came from increasing the money supply, not from Bill Clinton and the democrats. Sorry! Oh and for the record, the same wealthy people that rode the wave got even richer when the market crashed in 2000. Remember that? Trillions of dollars went from many average people’s portfolios into the wealthy people’s portfolios. That’s another topic, but what a game they are running.
  2. The Democratic Party helps minorities is an old and tired cliché that is used when people want to show gratitude to their party for providing services, at our cost. Look folks, it doesn’t cost them anything to provide you with goods and services as long as you pay them and vote for them. These politicians will create an agency that will blow your nose for you if you let them increase the tax base enough. Government creates absolutely nothing, yet they have all of the money. The most inefficient and unproductive entity runs it all, directly or indirectly. Government has just taken advantage of an opportunity because the church is still asleep building edifices and seeing who can grow the largest church. That’s another topic.
  3. School vouchers are good. Yes I thought this way until I started to learn about the government. Let me say that the institution of government is a good thing, because God created it. But human motives in government should definitely be examined. Vouchers are a very cunning thing that has been devised. In short, parents pay tuition to non-publics schools, so they don't want to pay property taxes to pay for a public school to which their child doesn't attend. Sounds fair to me. So the Government created school vouchers to allow the tax money the parents pay to follow the children to his/her school. Again, sounds fair. The caveat is that the money is no longer the parent's money, because now you have a government voucher; it’s the government’s money you’re spending. If you spend that voucher at a school that is teaching things that the government deems are harmful, threatening, or treasonous, they can make that school change its curriculum or shut the school down. Church folks are buying this one hook, line and sinker.
  4. Conspiracy theories-A lot of people want answers for a lot of the “unsolved mysteries of our time.” 9/11 and the JFK assassination just to name a few. Well when the government’s version of a story isn’t acceptable or they won't answer more questions, the government usually marginalizes groups or people as kooks or conspiracy nuts. A lot of times this isn’t the case, but it’s a scare tactic used to keep people from asking too many questions. Now the Osama bin Laden story and the magic bullet theory in the JFK murder are so highly ridiculous, that I think that we should both get a quick laugh. Follow me for a moment. The facts of the day and eyewitness footage of the murder show that Governor Connelly got shot (front seat), and Kennedy (behind him) got shot from the front in the throat and head. We are told the lone gunman, Lee Harvey Oswald, did it. How could a shot from many stories up and behind JFK do this? That magnificent senator from Pennsylvania, Arlen Specter, gave us the “Magic Bullet Theory.” One bullet did all of that. It went in and out of the Governor's body went up, turned right, turned left, went through J.F.K’s throat, came out the back revolved around his head 180 degrees and blew off the top of his head. Hey there’s more! On 9/11, the government told us that a 7’ tall Saudi Arabian trained approximately 19 men to highjack 4 planes from major US airports simultaneously. They bypassed 10’s of billions of dollars of security and surveillance technology and all this was done from a laptop in a cave in Afghanistan. Then they flew 2 planes into the WTC buildings in NYC, and they said that actual IDs of bombers were found in separate piles of rubble at the sites of the blasts. The government presented the flight log with the hijacker’s names on it, and many of the men were alive in another part of the world. Anyway, the other plane supposedly crashed in Pennsylvania (no record of any fuselage or plane debris at the site), and one other supposedly crashed into the Pentagon (again, no record of any fuselage or plane debris at the site). The hole that the plane supposedly made in the Pentagon was no more than 20’ wide. A 20’ wide plane? Is that the mother of all conspiracy theories or what? And they have the nerve to condemn people for questioning them.
  5. Churches supporting the scandal-ridden U.N. and faith based initiative is good. What a joke. I wouldn’t give the U.N., the Red Cross, the United Way, or any of these groups a nickel. The Red Cross sat on most of the $500 million they collected from the 9/11 tragedy and said that they were saving the money to help the victims of the future. All the while they are earning major interest on that money. All a scam! It’s a well-known fact that the further away from home your money goes in these organizations, the less gets to the people you’re trying to help. It gets swallowed up in bureaucracy. Or they just take it and use it on corporate junkets. Another scam is the faith based initiative. It is a way to pay off the churches, control them, and have them dance to their tune. A lot of churches have sold out. Remember what I shared with you about the vouchers, anytime you receive Government money to provide a service, watch out! There’s always a string attached.
  6. Confusion within the church. African American Churches mostly follow the Democrats, and the Caucasian Churches tend to follow Republicans. I remember in the 2000 Presidential election Gore was campaigning and went to TD Jakes church in Dallas, and Bush was being supported by another worldwide ministry in Ft. Worth, Texas- Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Now if these two groups in the same body are both following Jesus, then how is the split of support substantiated. Like I have been telling you all along, it can’t. Some of these churches are paid off and/or uninformed and the congregations get celebrity visits from politicians and everyone is happy and asleep. Good night.
  7. We have a constitutional form of government in the U.S. A powerful quote: FDR’s New Deal is plainly an attempt to achieve a working socialism and avert a social collapse in America; it is extraordinarily parallel to the successive 'policies' and 'Plans' of the Russian experiment. Americans shirk the word 'socialism', but what else can one call it?" H.G. Wells The New World Order 1939. Lastly, we have the Goals of Communism (from Marx’s Communist Manifesto), most of which we have here in America now.
    • Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
    • A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
    • Abolition of all right of inheritance.
    • Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
    • Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.
    • Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the state.
    • Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the state; the bringing into cultivation of wastelands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
    • Equal liability of all to labor. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
    • Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
    • Free education for all children in public schools.

This was kind of long, but I wanted to show you how ridiculous some people’s arguments can be at times. We must be educated and well-informed if we’re going to have credibility and be the movers and shakers that God has called us to be. Stay tuned for more hard hitting information to come.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Counterfeiting for You; Moneymaking Venture for Them

This story begins with a couple: Sam and Mary. They’re a nice couple, with a relatively comfortable life, and a nice business. They probably do a few things differently than the average person, but all-in-all they are good, hardworking people. They don’t pay bills like you or me, every so often they get extended a line of credit by an unknown creditor and they pay him/her back plus interest. Now their costs have gone up because not only do they have to pay the principle, but now they have an interest payment, to boot. But it doesn’t matter to Sam and Mary, because they will put the burden on the workers to work harder and sell more products and services to cover this interest payment. Sam and Mary have the money in the bank. So why are they subjecting themselves, the workers and their business to an extra payment and extra hours of unnecessary hard work? Oh I forgot to tell you, the creditors are Sam and Mary’s secret friends and they just wanted to help their friends along in business, besides it isn’t costing them anything. The workers are working harder; Sam and Mary’s bottom line isn’t affected. Bad business practice you might be thinking? Well this is actually an allegorical account of a real-life situation. Sam and Mary are actually the United States Government, the creditors are the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank, and the workers are the average working citizen. This is America post-1913, when the Federal Reserve Act was passed by the Congress and signed by Former U.S. President Woodrow Wilson, who later wrote concerning the signing of the Act: “I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country.”

So the Government counterfeits money? No! The Federal Reserve does. Folks, the Federal Reserve is no more federal than Federal Express; the name was given to confuse you. But it is a private bank, and the United States is indebted to them for TRILLIONS and TRILLIONS of dollars. Who has that kind of money? They hope that the average citizen does and the “sleight-of-hand” will continue as long as the money keeps flowing into the Government through the various taxes we pay. However, the U.S. Constitution - Article 1 Section 8 states “The Congress shall have Power To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weights and Measures; to provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States.” Article 1 - The Legislative Branch Section 10 - Powers Prohibited of States says “No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts.”

So if only the Congress has the legal authority to coin gold and silver money, and regulate it, then why is the Federal Reserve printing paper notes to use as money, and charging the US taxpayer interest? Well that’s a great question, and I’ll let the quotes of some very powerful men of the past answer that.

  • Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes her laws.” Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Unofficial father of Central Banking
  • "All that it takes for the triumph of evil is that good men and women do nothing." Edmund Burke, Eighteenth century statesman and author
  • I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” “If the people ever allow the banks to issue their currency, then by inflation and deflation, the banks and [bank-owned] corporations which will grow up around them, will deprive them of all property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers established.” “"The system of banking is a blot left in all our Constitutions, which, if not covered, will end in their destruction. I sincerely believe that banking institutions are more dangerous than standing armies; and that the principle of spending money to be paid by posterity is but swindling futurity on a large scale. “The end of democracy and the defeat of the American Revolution will occur when government falls into the hands of the lending institutions and moneyed incorporations.” Former U.S. President Thomas Jefferson
  • Former U.S. President Andrew Jackson told the bankers, "You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out. And by eternal God, I will rout you out."
  • "The Government should create, issue, and circulate all the currency and credits needed to satisfy the spending power of the Government and the buying power of consumers. By the adoption of these principles, the taxpayers will be saved immense sums of interest. Money will cease to be master and become the servant of humanity." Former U.S. President Abraham Lincoln
  • The Federal Reserve Act should be repealed; and the Federal Reserve Banks — having violated their charters — should be liquidated immediately. Faithless government officers who have violated their oaths of office should be impeached and brought to trial.” Former U.S. Congressman Louis T. McFadden
  • Banking was conceived in iniquity and born in sin. If you want to continue to be slaves of the bankers and pay the cost of your slavery, then let the bankers continue to create money and control credit.” Sir Josiah Stamp, Former President of the Bank of England

It’s all about power (in their hands), control (over you and your family), and your money (in their pocket). We all need to think about the contents of this article. It was short but power-packed full of historical content. The life of any economy is its money, and if you let private interests control that, then you end up with chaos and the destruction of that economy. You may not think much about it today, but this system is not working for our benefit. We will pick this topic again in a future article. Re-read this information again and understand that this is very serious, even though they aren’t talking about it on the nightly news. Stay tuned!

How the Mass Media Thinks for you Part 3

I ended Part 2 by introducing this segment about music and how we are subtly programmed to react to sounds. Music is a tool that has been used to perform a subtle training on the human mind, similar to that of the use of sounds with Ivan Pavlov and his dogs. Music is in us innately, but the manipulators of our society have found a way to pervert music and cause you to react to their tune, at will. Have you ever heard a song that you’ve never heard before and then you started tapping your feet? We all have. Therefore there must be some correlation between music and human nature. Let’s take some time to investigate.

Music is in God’s creation. It’s in the human heartbeat, there’s rhythm in our walk, we clap our hands, the birds sings, and crickets make a melodious sound. In Job 38:4-7, God even asked Job “Where were you when I laid the foundations of the earth? Tell me, if you have understanding. Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” See even God said that the stars sang, and I don’t believe that this is allegorical. Music is everywhere, it’s god’s gift to us, but the manipulators Dr. Carl E. Baugh, of the Creation Evidence Museum in Glen Rose, Texas wrote: "According to the observation of radio astrophysicists, stars, by radio wave context, are 'singing' to us......Stars throughout the universe are emitting radio wave energy... these stars emitting radio wave energy, but that there is music on those radio waves of energy.... not only is music emitted, but the music being emitted is in a major key. The music being emitted from these stars is harmonious. NASA compared the music being emitted from these star sources to the instruments of an orchestral creation. It seems that everywhere we look, creation is orchestrated. Recently, with some special plasma ionized research units, NASA found that Neptune and some of the other planets in our solar system emit a signal which sounds like whistling, as if it were whistling a tune...”[from his "Creation in Symphony" orchestral model of creation.] Also from our space expeditions, scientists have discovered that “The Voyager I and Voyager II planetary probes (1977-1989) also recorded the electromagnetic "voices" of the vibrating planets and moons in our Solar System. A full octave of notes is represented by the Sun (F#), Mercury (C#), Venus (E), Earth (G), Mars (C), the asteroid belt (A), Jupiter (B), Saturn (D), Uranus (C# - E), Neptune (E-Flat), and Pluto (C).”

We also know that music stirs the emotions. Have you ever heard that “music calms the savage beast?” David played the harp for King Saul and it calmed him and it drove evil spirits away 1 Samuel 16:23. Have you ever noticed how calming the sound of rain is? What about the waves of the ocean crashing and the sound of the seagulls? Even public facilities managers know this. When you go to a sports arena, are they playing romantic love songs? No! They want you to get rowdy and make some noise, so they play some loud rock or rap song and everyone gets noisy. What about if were to enjoy an elegant evening at a high-end restaurant? What if you were in an elevator or a dentist’s office? You’re going to hear mellower, classical sounds that provide an environment conducive to a relaxing atmosphere. Music charters your emotions and the media knows this. So now that we have set a pretty firm foundation for music, humanity and creation, let’s see how music is being used to create an adverse effect on and in us.

I just mentioned the sports arena, and there’s nothing wrong with enjoying a sporting event. But I went to one the other night and I observed some behavior that made me want to write about music. When the home team was losing and the announcer wanted the team to get a boost of energy, he didn’t pour the players an energy drink. He started playing loud, deep bass songs and the crowd started cheering to sign that were flashing “De-Fense, De-Fense.” Every time the team fell behind they did the same thing, then the organ played a few notes of another song, and then the crowd started to inject the lyrics and sing. It got quiet again and they had the team mascot stand up with a big sign that read “Let’s GO!” and everyone started to chant “Let’s GO!,” “Let’s GO!,” “Let’s GO!” Then someone started doing the wave and everyone did that, as well. Folks, again, I’m not saying that this is bad, but I’m just proving a point about how music is used to train us. Now you might ask how is the music at the basketball game training me? It’s training you subconsciously how not to think, but to merely react. You heard the sound and you reacted. The song started and you got up and sang or got rowdy without a thought. Think about it, you’ve done it a bunch of times. It doesn’t matter if you’re young or old, white or black, when the music that accompanies the following lyrics starts playing in the arena, the whole place is in pandemonium…………..“Buddy you're a boy make a big noise playin' in the street gonna be a big man some day you got blood on your face, big disgrace Kicking your can all over the place……singing We will, we will rock you, we will, we will rock you!” Everyone has heard that 1980’s classic by Queen at least once. Then during the games there are certain syncopated stomps and hand claps that are instigated, and once it starts the fans carry it out. Are you following my point? Let me reiterate, the point isn’t that I’m criticizing people for getting involved in the sporting event, the point is that people can be trained, like Pavlov’s dogs how to respond to sounds without thinking. What’s worse is that this is done subconsciously. The same thing happens with bells ringing to change classes, it’s not bad, but it’s a subconscious training. Don’t think, just react to the sound. That’s the message that is being conveyed whether you believe it or not.

How many times have you had or heard of a romantic evening that was laced with soft playing love songs? Some even argue that listening to Mozart or Beethoven will help heighten your creativity. Now we all know how destructive some of these hard rock, gangster and pimp rap songs are. But if you put these derogatory words to music, then it’s cool. Right? Wrong! What you get when you mix this insane music with irresponsible parents is a culture that is out of control and confused. Confused? Yes, confused! Why else would a young girl degrade herself by becoming a video dancer when the lyrics of these songs call her names that we give to female dogs and prostitutes? Or why would young men glorify criminal activity and degrade their mothers, sisters, cousins and friends? Folks, that’s confusion. A lot of these young people don’t understand it, they just see it on TV and they don’t understand that there is an agenda called “Social Engineering” going on. I told this young kid about social engineering some years ago, and he just snickered and laughed. These songs are programming our children to aim “at nothing” in life, and when they support this junk, they hit it (nothing) dead on the button. Did you catch that? The bull’s eye is nothing and that’s what BET, MTV and these brain deadening programs and entertainers are doing to the youth. They are teaching them how to focus on and be nothing. Is this what you want for your children, nephews, nieces, cousins and friends?

I’ve told you in past articles, these entertainers don’t care about you. You’re just buying their product. “They want to sell units.” Well go right ahead and worship Jay-Z, G-Unit and the rest of these vile characters, their families are laughing at you all the way to the bank, and remember this quote while your at it: "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers." John D. Rockefeller (Oil magnate who founded the National Education Association). Folks, there are no coincidences, this stuff is being planned to train humanity to be docile and weak. Why? It’s much simpler to convince people to walk into a pit and cover themselves up if they don’t think and won’t ask questions. If you just react to your environment and don’t analyze the situation or scrutinize people’s words and motives, you’ll fall for anything. I want the philosophical light bulb to come on in your heads, while the elite want it to go out or remain off. If you don’t understand what I’m saying please go back and read the first two parts, this is powerful information. Stay tuned for Part 4.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

A Culture Waiting to be Rescued

Look! Up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane! No it’s Superman. Or do you remember this one? Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spiderman. A culture has been bred to look for a savior, some being of mythical proportions to rise up and save us. The reality of the matter is that no one is coming to save us; here at B.G. Street we know that the only saving that we need has already happened 2,000 years ago. Each one of us was created to be productive, to think proactively and critically and to go out into the world and make a positive impact in our sphere of influence. Let’s go!

The world at large waits for their elected officials to make everything better. Our cartoons are inundated with bad guys terrorizing the city, the police are useless, and so the citizens cry and yell for a superhero to save the day. Parents want the teachers to raise their children. Some Christians won’t even get involved in secular matters, such as: politics and economics because they are waiting for their church leader’s approval or opinion on the topic; and then they react when he or she speaks. This is lunacy because politicians aren’t statesmen today; they are politically-correct demagogues. Some parents aren’t skilled or don’t have the time to train their children properly. Meanwhile, we have churches, small and large, that don’t publicly address many secular issues that are important to many of its parishioners. So the laypeople just walk around, don’t get involved, and aren't the salt and light they are called to be. {Side note: Laypeople that blindly follow church leadership are truly misinformed. Jesus said that HIS sheep hear HIS voice and they follow HIM. Don’t base your relationship with God on what another human does or says. All humans have the capacity to fail. Pastors, evangelists and the rest of the 5-fold ministry are just as much as sheep of God’s flock as the laypeople; and this mentality that laypeople are peasants and only the ministry gifts are God’s anointed people is totally Unscriptural.} Ok Folks, I tend to digress and I apologize, but this is another topic that just burns me up, when God’s precious saints are treated like slaves by some of our own brothers and sisters in the ministry.

Anyway, you will also find segments of the Body of Christ that don’t get involved with secular matters because they say that Jesus is going to come back one day and set up a peaceful kingdom on the earth. Well if I have read my Bible correctly, Jesus asked, “When I come back, will I find faith (an active, working faith) on the earth?” But a study of human nature reveals a lot concerning this type of “rescue me” mentality. Let’s look at a couple of words and expound upon them to see if we can understand this aspect of human nature: courage, accountability, purpose, and drive.

Courage is what causes you to stand boldly in the midst of adversity. Now, let’s use common sense, if you’re standing toe-to-toe against an 18-wheeler, then that’s foolishness. But what I’m talking about is having a conviction, and even if the whole world is against you, you stand up, and hold fast to what you believe. Be courageous and do what’s in your heart, regardless of what the naysayers do. A lot of people are in fear of being ostracized by their clique or contemporaries. No one wants to be an outcast, we all want to be included, loved and accepted. At some level, we all have some insecurity and/or fear of rejection, that if not checked will keep you in bondage. Don’t worry about people’s expectations of you. See God’s image of you and follow that.

Accountability is what holds you responsible for your actions, why you did or didn’t fulfill your purpose. You’re accountable to the One who put that assignment in you. If you don’t do your part then the plan fails. In theory, the quarterback or whoever has the ball has to only avoid one player in order to score a touchdown. Each side has eleven players, some all ten of the offensive guys block a man and mathematically this leaves one man to avoid. So if he avoids that one man and doesn’t score, then someone didn’t do their job. Someone needs to be held accountable for that missed block. Do you see how important you are in the grand scheme of things? Get your instructions from HQ (headquarters) and move out.

Purpose is the assignment and the reason why you do what you do. You are gifted and equipped to do what’s in your heart, even if you’ve never done it before. People thought that the Wright Brothers were crazy and that their invention would never work. It had never been done before, the laws of gravity being defied by a creation of man. Today, over 100 years later, the Wright Brothers invention (the airplane) still works. It was their purpose in life, and when you do what you’re purposed to do, you’ll make a lasting impression on your sphere of influence.

Drive is what motivates you to do what you do. Usually there is a bond between you and the person or people you are helping; it maybe financial, family-related or just a heartfelt conviction to do it. Whatever the drive is, you can’t fight it. You eat, sleep, drink, and breathe it. It’s you, it’s your energy, and it’s who you are. You’ll find out that you will experience a great euphoria and satisfaction that transcends any financial gain once you tap into your destiny.

Today, parents and guidance counselors don’t recognize children’s gifts early on, sharpen their talents, focus on goals, and mold them into their individual passions. Unfortunately, the children have an emptiness that they fill with wanting to be in the NBA or a rapper, or some long-shot career. Too often I see young people and adults gifted in an area but not using their talent(s) as they should. People that can sing, draw, design clothes, write poetry and articulate are wasting their time in dead-end jobs complaining about how they’re unsatisfied with their life. Well are you doing anything “on the side” to market your talents? Folks, nothing is given to you, you have to go out there, and move and shake some things. The world doesn’t care about you, only God, you and maybe a few choice friends or family members care about you. Most bosses don’t want you to go start your own business; most pastors aren’t going to give up a strong congregation member to go out and pursue another ministry opportunity. Don’t let people scare into staying in a status quo place in your life. People will try to manipulate you and tell you how hard it is out there. Well it maybe hard, but it can be done by the power of the One who put that desire to achieve in you. Look, you have to come out of this “rescue me” mentality and realize that you have come to rescue, not to be rescued. You are a lifeline, not a low life. Stand up and do what’s in your heart. Faith doesn’t know the end from the beginning; faith walks and knows that wherever He places your feet, you believe it’ll be a solid footing. You’ve been rescued to rescue; now go do your job!

Insight for Today

These are just some simple insights to help you navigate in this life. Enjoy!

  • Whatever day you read this is still today.
  • No one can ruin your day without YOUR permission. So purpose in you heart to have a great day. Don’t be reactive! Tell yourself, “I am having a great day.” Even if things are going wrong, take a break and focus on having a great day.
  • Others can stop you temporarily, but only you can do it permanently. Be proactive and move forward.
  • Whatever you are willing to put up with is exactly what you will have.
  • Progress towards success stops when you do.
  • When your ship comes in...Make sure you are willing to unload it. Have you ever heard the phrase, “Be careful what you ask for, because you just might get it.” Do you really want it?
  • You will never "have it all together." So work with what you have now.
  • Life is a journey...not a destination. Enjoy the trip!
  • The best way to escape your problem is to solve it.
  • No problems=No solutions=No opportunities. Don’t be status quo, put that creative brain to work and seize an opportunity.
  • No change=No growth=No progress. You have to come out of those diapers, stop sucking that thumb and start walking sooner or later
  • If you don’t start, it’s certain you won’t arrive.
  • Look for opportunities...not guarantees. An opportunity gives you a platform to perform and showcase your talent. The world doesn’t know who you are or what is in you. SHOW THEM!
  • Life is what’s coming...not what was. Live for today and make a better tomorrow. The past is just a reminder of what was or what you will repeat.
  • Success is getting up one more time. Try again. “No” just means not here or not now. Don’t stop! Babe Ruth struck out 1,330 times, but he also hit 714 home runs. Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try. Michael Jordan said, “I've missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.” Don’t be afraid to fail. Be proactive and win!
  • You can’t teach someone to swim while you are drowning. Drowning is the result of panic, because the human body can naturally float.
  • When things go wrong....don’t go with them. Stay positive and focused on your objective.
  • Most people will be about as happy, as they decide to be. Don’t be a sourpuss. There’s always someone out there whose problems are worse than yours.
  • You can’t focus on details and see the big picture. Widen your scope from time to time and evaluate your situation.
  • Do you plan a trip when you get to your destination or before you leave? Start planning where you want to go, and then go.
  • Take a calculated risk. Use your common sense and get out of your comfort zone. In baseball, you can’t steal second base with your foot still on first base.
  • Second place means that the winner was the only one that executed better than you. You’re not loser, so make a few adjustments, try again, and win.
  • If you don’t know how to get there, at least be pointed in the right direction. Ask for help if you need it.
  • If your destination is far, start walking and help will be provided to you along the way.
  • Look for signposts and signals to let you know you are going in the right direction. Harriet Tubman looked for moss on the north side of the tree to let her know she was headed in the right direction. If you are traveling from New Jersey to Florida, you won’t see Florida signs in New Jersey. You will progressively see sign changes for Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Washington DC, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and then Florida. Map out your journey and you’ll know you’re on the right path.
  • What you feed on is what you’ll hunger. If you hunger for more of God, He’ll fill you. If you pursue money, opportunities will be presented.
  • When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.
  • You reap what you sow, not from where you sow. In other words, if you’re kind to someone, that person may not be kind to you, but someone will show you kindness. It’s a principle.
  • God blesses you on His terms. Find out what He said.
  • Authority is given to protect and serve, not for selfish aggrandizement.
  • Whom you fear is whom you will serve. If you are afraid of heights, you’ll always be enslaved to the ground level, where a great opportunity maybe on the 10th floor of a building, or across the bridge, or on a flight to Japan.
  • Don’t fear change. Everything is a change or new at the beginning. Tomorrow is a change from today.
  • Desire a challenge and follow your passion.
  • Frustration means try something else. Thomas Edison said, "I have not failed, I just found 10,000 ways that won't work."
  • Don’t just hang around your own comfortable crowd, expand your horizons.

Now get out there and make a difference!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

A Tribute to Responsible Women

Women have been an integral part of our society, transcending racial barriers and national borders. I see many examples of women, past and present, standing in the gap and making up the hedge in families, going the extra mile for their children, and a lot of times at their own expense. Well, this is an incomplete tribute to responsible women, because a complete list all of their accomplishments and victories would be too exhaustive for this blog. This is dedicated to my mother, as well as to all of the responsible and respectable women everywhere: the mothers, the daughters, the grandmothers and aunts. Thank you!

  • You put God first. Thank you!
  • You love yourself next. Thank you!
  • You love your husband and your children. Thank you!
  • You guide the affairs of your house with discretion and you discipline and instruct your children properly. Thank you!
  • You made sure that your husband and/or the kids needs were met when your own needs may have been lacking. Thank you!
  • You worked an extra job and/or went to school to provide a better tomorrow for you and your family. Thank you!
  • You assumed the role of father and mother when you had no choice. You were left to raise the kids on your own and you did all that you could to provide a safe and clean environment for them. Thank you!
  • You sacrificed for your family and you weren’t recognized. Thank you!
  • You didn't abort your children. Thank you!
  • You get less pay for the same job that a man does, but it supports the family at the time. Thank you!
  • You’re a good example before your family, friends and community. Thank you!
  • You see young women headed down the wrong path and you try to reach out. Thank you!
  • You’re a chaste and discreet woman. Thank you!
  • Despite your busy schedule, you continue to be physically attractive and well-maintained. Thank you!
  • You conduct yourself like a lady and you dress modestly. Thank you!
  • You’re an independent and confident woman. Thank you!
  • Your daughters, nieces and other girls look up to you. Thank you!
  • You’re complete in God. Thank you!
  • You know your worth. Thank you!
  • Godly men can sense your worth. Thank you!
  • When your son gets married, he will want a strong and responsible woman like you. Thank you!
  • Your inner beauty and wisdom make you the most attractive woman in the world. Thank you!
  • You don’t associate with negative, busybody women. Thank you!
  • You’re a positive influence in the community. Thank you!
  • You WILL NOT tolerate smooth talking, shallow, go-nowhere men. Thank you!
  • You lead by example. Thank you!
  • The world knocks you down, but you rise up again. Thank you!
  • The world said that you couldn’t make it, but you proved them wrong. Thank you!
  • You helped and are helping your husband and/or children achieve their dreams when you may not have achieved all of your dreams. Thank you!
  • For all of the lives you’ve touched directly and indirectly, “Thank you!”

Now, all of the responsible ladies look up to Heaven and say, “Thank you!”

Friday, April 20, 2007

You Can Live While Others Want You to Die

Folks, I just want to tell you that there are some very troubled individuals on this planet. The following quotes should validate my claim:

"In order to stabilize world population, we must eliminate 350,000 people per day." -Jacques Cousteau - 1991, UNESCO Courier

"My three main goals would be to reduce human population to about 100 million worldwide, destroy the industrial infrastructure and see wilderness, with its full complement of species, returning throughout the world." -Dave Foreman Earth First, Co-Founder

"Right now there are just way too many people on the planet. We need to cut the world’s population from the current 5 billion to no more than 250 to 350 million." -Ted Turner 1996, Last Trumpet Newsletter

Wow! Do these people think that they are God and can determine who should live and who shouldn't? These are famous and wealthy people stating publicly that the human race needs to be drastically depopulated. This is insanity. But is anyone outraged? Have you heard about this on the news? But there’s an agenda going on here, there has to be, because if the average person said something this crazy, they’d be arrested for hate speech or something ridiculous.

Well, these people are not all talk, they back up their talk with action, and here are a few ways in which they and big corporations are acting to bring about a depopulation of the human race: Genetically Modified Foods (GMO) and CODEX. You probably haven’t heard of these things, just like you probably never heard of those opening quotes. But it’s all real and you can go check it out for yourself. In fact, I encourage you to do so. There are hyperlink provided in this article, but feel free to do your own research. B.G. Street wants you to think and accept nothing at face value.

GMO (Genetically Modified Food) (Excerpt from the book Seeds of Deception by Jeffrey M. Smith.) Internal FDA documents made public from a lawsuit reveal that agency scientists warned that GM foods might create toxins, allergies, nutritional problems, and new diseases that might be difficult to identify.

CODEX (The Codex Alimentarius Commission), organized by the United Nations in the 1960s, is charged with "harmonizing" food and supplement rules between all nations of the world. Under Codex rules, even basic vitamins and minerals require a doctor's prescription.

This is insanity friends. Then, of course, there is the public relations propaganda machine that comes to tell you like the Wizard of Oz told Dorothy and her friends, “Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain.” The advertising hype and disinformation is what sells you on the new products. Don’t be deceived by all of the bells and whistles! But don’t worry folks, all is not lost. At B.G. Street, we do our homework and there are some things that you can do to remain healthy, or get on the road to health and vitality.

Things you can do:

  • Exercise a few times a week. Walk in place, do jumping jacks, run, etc. Don't over do it, but get mobile.
  • Eat 100% raw fruits and vegetables (be careful some foods labeled organic are GMO). Definitely stay away from seedless grapes, watermelon, etc. That is man manipulating God's creation.
  • Eat meat from natural grass and grain fed animals. Commercially raised animals have been contaminated with hormone injections, and have been fed herbicide and pesticide infected foods.
  • Shower with and drink plenty of properly filtered water daily. Chlorinated pools aren’t good for you either. Have you ever noticed that birds will drink from a dirty puddle of water, but they won’t touch a pool? Simply stated chlorine is a pesticide, as defined by the U.S. EPA, whose sole purpose is to kill living organisms. When we consume water (orally or through the skin) containing chlorine, it kills some part of us, destroying cells and tissue inside our body. Chlorine is a poison, and even the birds know it.
  • Do a good colon cleanse.
  • Don’t use sugar substitutes, including Nutra Sweet, Equal, or Splenda. There are many dangers associated with these man-made sweeteners. Try raw honey or Stevia (natural sweeteners).
  • Avoid fried foods.
  • Get to bed before 10 pm if possible. Allow your body time to rest and repair.
  • Eat many small portions throughout the day, instead of three big meals.
  • Eat a lighter dinner early and snack on fruit if you get hungry before bedtime.
  • Don’t eat white sugar or enriched flour products.
  • Avoid microwave ovens.
  • Beware of prolonged cell phone use, it isn't good for your brain. Did you know that two Russian Journalists conducted an experiment and discovered that a cell phone can cook an egg?
  • Get educated on your health and how the body works. http://www.ghchealth.com/ and http://www.mercola.com/ have a lot of good information.

There is a lot more information out there. But I just wanted to help you along. Live well!

Thursday, April 19, 2007

A Brief Look at Virginia Tech

I’m not going to address all of the aspects of this horrible event, but there is one aspect that I feel is very important: gun control. I’m writing this article with foresight. I can see this issue getting a lot of attention with the anti-gun lobbyists demanding, if they haven’t already, another gun ban. This subject is generally a partisan issue, but for the record I’m not a democrat or a republican. I support issues, not parties. So let’s deal with the law and common sense for the purpose of this discussion.

I’m bringing up this topic because all I hear on the news is how tragic this event was, and this massacre was a horrific thing. But let’s look at the possible ramifications of this incident: another gun ban. Gun bans never work; it hasn’t prevented crime or reduced crime anywhere in the world, because during a gun ban the criminals have no resistance. If I was a criminal I would give my financial support to anti-gun lobbyists. It makes sense, support those who make your job easier. An unarmed populace is an easier target. Now let’s just use a little bit of common sense. Would you tell your child to let someone punch them in the face and beat them up? Would you teach people to not defend themselves? No! Look at the animal kingdom. A dog will snap at you if they feel threatened or bothered. Are they wrong for doing that? It’s a natural instinct to protect oneself. If someone comes at you with a gun, you aren’t going to be too successful with just your fists. If the criminals bring a gun, then you need a gun. It’s a fair fight. But criminals aren’t looking for a fair fight; they are looking for the least resistance possible. Do you recall Mike Tyson ever being mugged? What about Shaquille O’Neal? I guess we’re supposed to just hope the cops are around at all times? The police can’t save you because they aren’t omnipresent. If they were, they’d prevent crimes. So if we did agree to a gun ban, can our surviving family members sue the Government if they don’t save us? No! That will never happen. So do we just de-shell the turtle and throw him to the wild? Do we de-claw the cat and put it outside to live? Do we remove the noxious odor mechanism of the skunk from its body? What if God had a weapons ban in the Old Testament? We’d have no David and Goliath. What if the British had a weapons ban for the colonists to follow? We’d have no United States of America. You don’t take away anyone’s or anything’s ability to protect their property or their life. There was a gun ban on Virginia Tech’s campus and a horrible atrocity occurred. Folks, don’t fall for a gun ban if you see it in the news.

What would our judicial system do if a student illegally brought a gun to the Virginia Tech campus and killed that gunman after he killed the first two students, and before he murdered the other thirty people? Would he be seen as a hero for unknowingly sparing many lives? Or would he be seen as a criminal? He would’ve broken the law, but he would’ve saved lives. But in this country common sense isn’t very plentiful. But here at B.G. Street, we think critically and proactively, and a gun ban makes no sense. But someone put these politicians in office. They didn’t run to Washington DC and say “the first one in is the Congressman”. No, a lot of people voted these people into office. But now we’re learning to think about these things on the front end. See folks, I’m actually providing you with a wonderful service. I’m teaching and encouraging you to be proactive, to think for yourself, to be independent. A lot of politicians, bosses and preachers want you to be under their feathers so that they can control you. Sometimes leaders are very insecure and they don’t want you to follow your own vision, dreams and aspirations. But I want you to succeed! I want you to grow and achieve, but you can’t do that if you follow the tune that’s being played. Come on folks, you can do it. You’re better than that! If guns are banned then only the government and the criminals will be armed. Where does that leave you and me? Look at a few 18th Century quotes concerning weapons.

George Mason when the Constitution was being debated: "To disarm the people; that it was the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

Jefferson quoting Cesare Beccaria — a Milanese criminologist whom he admired who was also his contemporary — in On Crimes and Punishment: "Laws that forbid the carrying of arms ... disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes... Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man."

Thomas Paine from his Thoughts on Defensive War written in 1775: "Arms discourage and keep the invader and plunderer in awe, and preserve order in the world as well as property. Horrid mischief would ensue were the law-abiding deprived of the use of them."

Bill of Rights Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

This isn’t saying that only people involved in a militia can own guns. The Amendment says that the right of the people (the citizenry), shall not be infringed. This is a right for all citizens, and the framers intent was to give the people the ability to say no to tyranny. The Government has weapons, so the people need weapons. If you can’t say “no,” then you are a slave.

To quote Lord Acton in a letter to Bishop Mandell Creighton in 1887: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men."

And from a speech to the UK House of Lords in 1770: "Unlimited power is apt to corrupt the minds of those who possess it"

A final point to consider: Why is there no weapons ban on the governments of the world? They can go make war and protect their interests, but we can’t protect our interests.

How the Mass Media Thinks for you Part 2

In Part 1, we introduced this topic and left off with one example of how the media used the sounds and lights of a cartoon, Pokemon, and an adverse reaction occurred within the viewing audience. We’re going to continue on that same vein of reactions here in Part 2.

Reactions are instigated by stimuli, whether they are internal or external. More simply put, everything is cause and effect. I would like to direct your attention to a few very powerful quotes by some very influential people in the history of this country, and this should set the tone for where we are headed in this segment: "I don't want a nation of thinkers. I want a nation of workers." John D. Rockefeller (Oil magnate who founded the National Education Association); and "In politics, nothing happens by accident. If it happens, you can bet it was planned that way." Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd President of the United States. These two quotes are very disturbing, but it gives us some insight into the minds of the so-called elite in this country, even more than a half of a century ago. Another quote from Rockefeller’s General Education Board Occasional Paper No.1 declared: "In our dreams we have limitless resources and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands.

These quotes should cause you to ask why these people would say this. Three questions that I asked myself when reading these quotes were: Why don’t they want me to think? If politics is planned, then what else have they planned? How are they trying to mold me? Remember, at B.G. Street, we think proactively and not act reactively. So let’s be proactive and answer these questions like this: I am a thinker. I don’t care what you have planned for me, because I’m not going along with anything that I haven’t read, studied or analyzed, and I’m certainly not going to be putty in anyone’s molding hands, unless it’s the Creator. Ok so let’s move forward.

Have you ever noticed how much advertising money is spent by these large corporations, and the amount of time the average person spends watching television? Well, let me give you an example of what it does to most children. What is a television program? It’s a series of images. What is self-esteem? It’s the image you have of yourself. Do you see where we’re going with this? What are some of the kinds of images that we find on television? A couple of things we see are sexually explicit images, and images of women and men that ads say are beautiful, with hair, a body shape, fashion style and facial features that most people probably don’t have. But these people are successful and famous, and everyone wants to be like them. Right? So the children emulate these people, because they are “popular” on TV. Wow! She’s got a great body! Oh yeah girl he is so fine, light-skinned men are in! I wish that I wasn’t so short! I wish that my nose wasn’t so big! My hair is too short! Why do I have this BAD hair? It’s so nappy! A famous despot once said, "If you tell a lie long enough people will start to believe it." Adolph Hitler, Chancellor/Fuhrer of Germany 1933-1945. And see, you believe their lies and you become ashamed of the beautiful and unique person that God created you to be. There’s nothing wrong with plump hips, small hips, big noses, skinny noses, dark-skin, light-skin, white-skin, brown-skin, nappy, curly or straight hair. But the television makes you feel inadequate because you see, but don’t have “what’s in.” Then the advertisements attempt to sell you what will make you feel adequate. Hey, get these tattoos and be popular like the NBA players. Wear this dress and be pretty like Brittany Spears. Do this and be like 50 Cent. Hey kid, don’t you wanna be like Mike (Jordan)? HECK NO!!!!!!! Michael Jordan and the rest of these celebrities don’t care anything about you. Remember that! This is a commercial transaction ladies and gentlemen. It’s all about money!!!! You don’t want to be like these people, a lot of them don’t have the same values that are instilled in your family, and a lot of these people have goofed up personal lives, to boot. You’ve seen them on television with their trips in and out of rehab, illicit relationship and the like.

I’ve heard rich people talk in business meetings and there conversions are like: “Man there is so much money out here, how do we get it from them.” That quote was referring to you, the average Joe consumer. Remember folks, they are selling to your emotions, not to you; you are just a stream of revenue to them, and they really profit when you have low self-esteem. Now, there’s nothing wrong with supplying a legitimate product to your audience, but don’t be a drone and buy a product because it’s the “in thing" to have, or you just want to “keep up with the Jones’,” or maybe you’ll think it’ll make you feel better or people will like you. That’s just a lack of self-worth. Things don’t make you. You are who you are on the inside. So the television breaks you down on the outside, you don’t know who you are on the inside, so you take a piece of this television image, a piece of that image, and so on, and we never find out who you really are. It’s sad. Parents, Uncles, Aunts, Family Members: We MUST build a positive self-image in these children and ourselves or this next generation is going to be lost.

Another example is that they create Coach Bags and other status symbol things and they make them affordable enough for you to pay more than the average thing, but less than the exclusive thing, and you still have the top name brand thing. Aren’t you special? Forget that it might be outdated with the “A-list of Hollywood” two years ago, but it makes you feel important. “I already had a Coach bag; I have a Dooney & Burke now.” Look, if you want something to wear, a style or whatever, get it because you’re an individual and you think it’s nice, not because Jay-Z and Beyonce are wearing it. And for the record, I am not against plastic surgery, any other beautifying techniques, or designer items; I’m just letting you know what they are selling you, how and why. Remember the opening quotes, they planned this stuff. These are all slick Madison Avenue (in New York where major advertising agencies are located) propaganda, soft brainwashing techniques. Propaganda is simply: information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement, institution, nation, etc. They just want you to dance to the tune, and then they make you pay for it.

They switch styles and fashions all of the time and these are marketing schemes and people think they are up on the times and styles, and you’re just falling for their tricks again. It’s called psychological obsolescence, where they make long dresses the style for a while, then it’s the miniskirts, then its Capri pants, stacked shoes, Pinstripes, polka dots, afros, fades, braids, they even brought back the Zoot suits from the 1920’s. Folks this is all staged! If you were wearing an afro in the 60’s and 70’s you were cool. If you were wearing it the 80’s you were stupid, if you were wearing it in the 90’s you were cool again. But this is the mentality of the follower. They send a stimulus and they want you to react. And most people do this with ease because most people are trained to be followers. Remember what Rockefeller said. He doesn’t want thinkers, and this is the guy that funded the NEA. Now you should really be questioning things, but that’s another discussion for later. How sad is this follower mentality? They do the same thing with dances, people are over the internet are doing Heel-Toe videos. Fred Sanford was doing that on Sanford and Son in the 1970’s, he called his dance “Mashed Potatoes,” and these young kids think they invented something. I know that you can build upon an innovation, that’s fine, but you are unique. The entire catalog of dance moves, musical melodies and beats, clothing styles, books, inventions haven’t been discovered and created yet. What’s in you? You’re an intelligent, artistic and creative being. Lead, innovate, and create! Be original!

We are mammals and behavioral science teaches us that one way we learn is by watching other members of our society. Why do you think babies try to start walking? They see everyone else doing it. There’s nothing wrong with admiring someone, but don’t use these people as role models. Brittany Spears is no role model; neither is Jay-Z, 50 Cent, John Cena, or athletes, entertainers or actors. But these are the role models that the television gives your children. MTV, BET, WWE (television wrestling) and other media outlets don’t care about the values that you’re trying to teach your children. All they want you to do is watch them and buy their products. Again, these people are not your friends, they are entertainers. Your heroes aren’t on TV! Your heroes are all of the people that you know and don’t know who made life possible for you. Jesus, first and foremost, the good parents and guardians you had/have, good teachers, and upstanding people in your family and community. Those good Grandpa’s and Grandma’s, everybody has an Aunt Mary, and some neighborhood family that looked out for everybody’s kids when your parents were away. What about that single mother, working two jobs, maybe going to school? She’s struggling, it’s hard on her, but these are OUR heroes. There are others, but you can see the difference between why we should honor these people and not entertainers. Besides, these celebrities are applauded like they discovered the cure for cancer or something. Let’s just put everything in perspective, these entertainers are more worthy of our prayers, rather than our cheering and celebrating.

I didn’t even hit half of my points in this part. I’ll begin Part 3 discussing music and how we are subtly programmed to react by sounds. Music isn’t bad, but there’s a subtle training that was discovered by Ivan Pavlov and his dogs. Music is in us innately, but the manipulators have found a way to pervert it and cause you to react to their tune, at will. Have you ever heard a song that you’ve never heard before and then you started tapping your feet? We all have. Until next time, be proactive, not reactive.


The Soul of a Man

The Soul of a Man

Hilarious Proof of How Bad U.S. Educational System Really Is

The Howard Beale Show


Soul Holiday

How to Brainwash a Nation

BG Street Playlist

Eventful and BG

Web Search

Red Pill or the Blue Pill

Deliberate Dumbing Down of Americans

How the Elite Control Politics

Chemical Dumbing Down of Americans

The Biggest Heist in History No one Wants to Mention

American's IQ. Not a Nation of Thinkers

Fluoride poisoning in food and water

Hijacking Children with “Pre-K Education” Bills

Get Mad and Wake Up!

Sanford and Son - Legal Eagle part 1 of 3