A Culture Waiting to be Rescued
Look! Up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane! No it’s Superman. Or do you remember this one? Spiderman, Spiderman, does whatever a spider can. Spins a web, any size, catches thieves just like flies. Look out! Here comes the Spiderman. A culture has been bred to look for a savior, some being of mythical proportions to rise up and save us. The reality of the matter is that no one is coming to save us; here at
The world at large waits for their elected officials to make everything better. Our cartoons are inundated with bad guys terrorizing the city, the police are useless, and so the citizens cry and yell for a superhero to save the day. Parents want the teachers to raise their children. Some Christians won’t even get involved in secular matters, such as: politics and economics because they are waiting for their church leader’s approval or opinion on the topic; and then they react when he or she speaks. This is lunacy because politicians aren’t statesmen today; they are politically-correct demagogues. Some parents aren’t skilled or don’t have the time to train their children properly. Meanwhile, we have churches, small and large, that don’t publicly address many secular issues that are important to many of its parishioners. So the laypeople just walk around, don’t get involved, and aren't the salt and light they are called to be. {Side note: Laypeople that blindly follow church leadership are truly misinformed. Jesus said that HIS sheep hear HIS voice and they follow HIM. Don’t base your relationship with God on what another human does or says. All humans have the capacity to fail. Pastors, evangelists and the rest of the 5-fold ministry are just as much as sheep of God’s flock as the laypeople; and this mentality that laypeople are peasants and only the ministry gifts are God’s anointed people is totally Unscriptural.} Ok Folks, I tend to digress and I apologize, but this is another topic that just burns me up, when God’s precious saints are treated like slaves by some of our own brothers and sisters in the ministry.
Anyway, you will also find segments of the Body of Christ that don’t get involved with secular matters because they say that Jesus is going to come back one day and set up a peaceful kingdom on the earth. Well if I have read my Bible correctly, Jesus asked, “When I come back, will I find faith (an active, working faith) on the earth?” But a study of human nature reveals a lot concerning this type of “rescue me” mentality. Let’s look at a couple of words and expound upon them to see if we can understand this aspect of human nature: courage, accountability, purpose, and drive.
Courage is what causes you to stand boldly in the midst of adversity. Now, let’s use common sense, if you’re standing toe-to-toe against an 18-wheeler, then that’s foolishness. But what I’m talking about is having a conviction, and even if the whole world is against you, you stand up, and hold fast to what you believe. Be courageous and do what’s in your heart, regardless of what the naysayers do. A lot of people are in fear of being ostracized by their clique or contemporaries. No one wants to be an outcast, we all want to be included, loved and accepted. At some level, we all have some insecurity and/or fear of rejection, that if not checked will keep you in bondage. Don’t worry about people’s expectations of you. See God’s image of you and follow that.
Accountability is what holds you responsible for your actions, why you did or didn’t fulfill your purpose. You’re accountable to the One who put that assignment in you. If you don’t do your part then the plan fails. In theory, the quarterback or whoever has the ball has to only avoid one player in order to score a touchdown. Each side has eleven players, some all ten of the offensive guys block a man and mathematically this leaves one man to avoid. So if he avoids that one man and doesn’t score, then someone didn’t do their job. Someone needs to be held accountable for that missed block. Do you see how important you are in the grand scheme of things? Get your instructions from HQ (headquarters) and move out.
Purpose is the assignment and the reason why you do what you do. You are gifted and equipped to do what’s in your heart, even if you’ve never done it before. People thought that the Wright Brothers were crazy and that their invention would never work. It had never been done before, the laws of gravity being defied by a creation of man. Today, over 100 years later, the Wright Brothers invention (the airplane) still works. It was their purpose in life, and when you do what you’re purposed to do, you’ll make a lasting impression on your sphere of influence.
Drive is what motivates you to do what you do. Usually there is a bond between you and the person or people you are helping; it maybe financial, family-related or just a heartfelt conviction to do it. Whatever the drive is, you can’t fight it. You eat, sleep, drink, and breathe it. It’s you, it’s your energy, and it’s who you are. You’ll find out that you will experience a great euphoria and satisfaction that transcends any financial gain once you tap into your destiny.
Today, parents and guidance counselors don’t recognize children’s gifts early on, sharpen their talents, focus on goals, and mold them into their individual passions. Unfortunately, the children have an emptiness that they fill with wanting to be in the NBA or a rapper, or some long-shot career. Too often I see young people and adults gifted in an area but not using their talent(s) as they should. People that can sing, draw, design clothes, write poetry and articulate are wasting their time in dead-end jobs complaining about how they’re unsatisfied with their life. Well are you doing anything “on the side” to market your talents? Folks, nothing is given to you, you have to go out there, and move and shake some things. The world doesn’t care about you, only God, you and maybe a few choice friends or family members care about you. Most bosses don’t want you to go start your own business; most pastors aren’t going to give up a strong congregation member to go out and pursue another ministry opportunity. Don’t let people scare into staying in a status quo place in your life. People will try to manipulate you and tell you how hard it is out there. Well it maybe hard, but it can be done by the power of the One who put that desire to achieve in you. Look, you have to come out of this “rescue me” mentality and realize that you have come to rescue, not to be rescued. You are a lifeline, not a low life. Stand up and do what’s in your heart. Faith doesn’t know the end from the beginning; faith walks and knows that wherever He places your feet, you believe it’ll be a solid footing. You’ve been rescued to rescue; now go do your job!
1 comment:
Great piece! Truly this speaks to what type of mentality & pursuit we should not only have in life but also as believers. Often time we get so complacent with the "norm", not challenging ourselves to think outside of the box. Conversely, we want to put God in a box; limiting the power not only that he has in our lives but what he empowers us with. Continue to enlighten as we are challenged to be the "Salt of the Earth"
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