A fresh and insightful perspective to many of today's issues, such as: current events, politics, health related topics, economics, relationships, and principles for daily living. These topics are dedicated to exposing you to relevant information that affects you, to encourage you to think critically about that information, and to encourage you to make sound and reasonable decisions that will benefit you and the ones you love. Enjoy the videos and posts, visit when you can and live well!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

American Healthcare: Is There a Real Solution to This Crisis?

Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God, and value it next to a good conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of; a blessing that money cannot buy. -- Izaak Walton

Sickness, disease, prevention, and cures are at the foot of American healthcare. Or are they? We have the best medical technology and some of the best healthcare practitioners in the world. Yet we have millions of men, women and children in this country who have to settle for little or no healthcare because they can’t afford to receive the benefits that the bureaucrats have made available to them. Do you think that our politicians would want to have the health insurance coverage that most Americans have? No. So why do most Americans want the Government to fix the problem that the Government has created? Do they have the ability to fix it? Well, we are going to get to the bottom of this, and get some real answers to this real issue.

The healthcare dilemma has been a hot topic in Washington DC for decades and now going into 2008, the healthcare problem has exacerbated into a problem of epic proportions. New diseases, sicknesses, ailments and conditions are being discovered each year and some of the existing conditions are statistically getting worse; and add to that the ridiculous and subjective manner in which our government is handling mental health concerns. What is going on? Why is there such a long and drawn out fight over this issue? Can we get to the root of the problem and fix this? Folks, sometimes if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself. Don’t wait for Washington DC to fix it. You and I need to get informed and take action. There is no need for more taxpayer dollars to be spent on an independent commission study. The problems and the solutions are easy to see, we just have to have the courage to make the right decision and move forward.

From Berit Kjos’ Report on Mental Health we find:

Dr. David Satcher, U.S. Surgeon-General and Assistant Secretary for Health, gave a progress report at a National Healthy People Consortium in November 1998 "We have a clear blueprint in place," he announced. "Currently, 47 states are actively involved in Healthy People 2000 and 'Healthy City and Healthy Community' initiatives are being pursued throughout the country. Hundreds of national organizations have reviewed the Year 2000 objectives and have adopted them as their own."

Dr. Satcher then drew the connection between Healthy Start, Healthy People, mental health and the World Health Organization:

"Every child should be given the opportunity for a healthy start... No priority yet has generated as much interest and enthusiasm as this one on mental health...""...our efforts will be focused on maintaining a system of global health surveillance..."Healthy People 2010 is the United States' contribution to the World Health Organization's call to the nations of the world to renew their commitment to health for all."

(Author’s thought: global health surveillance and health for all? This sounds very caring and loving of them. But what are they really saying? Surveillance is synonymous with control; and “health for all” should make you want to go hide your wallet, because they always expect the taxpayers to fund their little schemes on the front end or the back end [through higher taxes]; and they love to use buzz words and catch phrases so that you can connect with their vision and see that this is for the children’s and the senior’s sake. Now what sane person would be against the children and our senior citizens? Nice try, but I will expose these snakes in a few minutes. So please don’t be fooled by these slick salespeople.)

Children who refuse to conform may be considered handicapped. According to a Teacher Training Manual from the National Training Institute for Applied Behavioral Science:

"Although they appear to behave appropriately and seem normal by most cultural standards, they may actually be in need of mental health care in order to help them change, adapt, and conform to the planned society in which there will be no conflict of attitudes or beliefs."

(Author’s thought: Folks are you seeing what I’m seeing? These people want to label our children as needing mental healthcare, if our child’s behavior or belief system isn’t according to their Teacher’s Training Manual. We teach our children what we want them to learn. This isn’t Nazi Germany, Cuba, Russia or Guatemala. Do you think that these people have the right to do this? It’s a no-brainer, folks. No they don’t.)

In a 1996 speech at The National Children's Mental Health Initiative, Donna Shalala, Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), said:

"From fully immunizing children by age two... to stopping domestic violence, we're working to improve the lives of young people from the cradle to young adulthood. And a strong part of our vision is the mental health of children. We believe that mental health is just as important as physical health ...maybe even more so..."

As head of the DHHS, Shalala helped organize The National Mental Health Services Knowledge Exchange Network (KEN). Ponder its definition for mental health:

"Mental health refers to how a person thinks, feels, and acts when faced with life's situations. It is how people look at themselves, their lives, and the other people in their lives ...and explore choices."

(Author’s thought: I hope that you are seeing the RED ALERTS here. Do you see how these people who espouse to love our children better than us are trying to care for them and raise them for us? No thanks!!!!! They want to improve our lives from the cradle to adulthood? Again, no thanks! When someone goes out of his or her way to be extra nice and helpful, there’s always a string attached. So watch out for these people. I guess this makes these people feel good, and it gives them a sense of community involvement and helping humanity. They are going to subjectively judge how we think, act and feel? Then they will make determinations about our children and us if we have mental health challenges? According to what standard? This is very dangerous, folks. But the onus is on the American people. The bureaucrats don’t take up arms and take over the Government; they use stealth, are very tactful, and they are smiling while they are doing it. They know that most Americans are more concerned with what drugs Britney Spears is going to take next, or how Brad Pitt spent the holidays. Stop letting Madison Avenue advertising cheat you of your life, dreams, and freedom. These people are masters at sleight-of-hand, persuasion, and diversion. Whether it’s the war, healthcare or breakfast foods to eat, these people are going to program you to think their way. Don’t do it, get informed.)

Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm, added:

"Governments will be assisted to formulate, implement, monitor and evaluate mental health policies.”
(Author’s thought: No No No!!!!! We don’t need your help. Go away, please!!!! You don’t own us. If we need your help we will solicit your services. Thank you.)
Last but not least, Hillary Clinton had these kind words to say on June 29, 2004 she said: "We're going to take things from you [the American people] on behalf of the common good."
(Author’s thought: She sounds very caring and loving. Are you seeing a pattern of behavior here? These people are always in the limelight exuding this phony love and regard for us. Many uninformed people, Christians especially, are tricked into accepting this type of behavior because they misinterpret Scripture. I have heard some people say that Jesus was a communist and that the teachings of Christianity are communistic, because Jesus teaches us to share and help our brothers and sisters in need. Well, yes Jesus does teach this, but where they err is that Jesus didn’t teach that principle to the Government; He taught it to individuals and the Church, which makes it charity, not communism. Communism is Government control, and Socialism is its kissing cousin. That’s where everyone misses it!!!!!! The Government has no authority to do this stuff.)

Then, on June 4, 2007 she announced, "I certainly think the free market has failed."
(Author’s thought: The free market works just fine, Mrs. Clinton, but you and the rest of our elected officials have failed to allow the market to be free. The free market has been stifled by Government regulations and subsidies. If we cut those out 100% and the free market fails, then you would be correct. But the free market hasn’t been allow a fair chance to shine: welcome to Business 101, Ma’am.)

The Problems/The Solutions

Let’s look at this issue from a legal and common sense standpoint: no corporate interests and lobbyists money allowed. I will give you some insight and perspective. This, by no means, will be the entire answer, but I do believe it will put us on the right path. If some of these points were to be truly considered, I believe that the spirit of entrepreneurialism and innovation would rise up, and we would see some great things come from the private sector, as far as research, medical breakthroughs and overall wellness is concerned.

First, we have to remember that when you empower others to do your job, then you have relinquished that power and freedom. When this happens, the lost power can’t be taken back without a fight, many times. Humans lust for money and power; it’s just the nature of a decadent society. So we can begin our inquiry into the problems with American healthcare by stating that healthcare is NOT a Federal Government issue; it is a private and personal matter. If your life comes from God, then maintaining the quality of your physical life and mental health is also from God.

There is no Constitutional provision or authority given to the Federal Government to handle the healthcare issue; however, the parameters of the US Constitution do allow the States and the people to address this issue. The problem with healthcare arose when people started to and continue to allow bureaucrats to usurp authority, create monopolies, and then the bureaucrats penalize us if we don’t like the rules they make us follow. It’s actually deeper than that, because there are a few other components involved. Simply put, a person’s health is the individual’s personal business, and however that person wants to handle their own health issues and concerns is between the individual and the individual’s healthcare practitioner.

This means that we don’t need anymore Federal Government regulations and/or subsidies for this matter. No more Government handouts (US taxpayer dollars) should go to the insurance companies, HMO’s, healthcare practitioners, pharmaceutical companies, researchers, think tanks, etc. Nor do we need the FDA’s approval for anything, because we know that the FDA doesn’t have our best interest at heart since the FDA has been caught doctoring reports for decades, as well as approving controversial products. Many in the private sector, have found the FDA, their findings and approval of certain products to be dangerous. For example, has anyone ever heard of Vioxx? Or Aspartame?

Dr. Woodrow C. Monte wrote:

"Methanol [one of the breakdown products of aspartame] has no therapeutic properties and is considered only as a toxicant. The ingestion of two teaspoons is considered lethal in humans" (Monte, Woodrow, "Aspartame: Methanol and the Public Health", Journal of Applied Nutrition, Vol. 36, Number 1, 1984, p. 44).

(Former US Secretary of Defense and G.D. Searle [creators of aspartame] CEO Donald Rumsfeld)

Second, competition needs to be encouraged. What happens if the Federal Government wants to build a building? They secure at least three bids for the scope of work that the Government wants to have completed. Then they choose which company they want to use from the competitive bids. That’s what the American people need. The problem in America is that the Government has a monopoly on healthcare and they are acting as though they are a boa constrictor (along with Big Pharma) and the healthcare practitioners and the patient’s are getting squeezed. We don’t have objective choices from which to choose. All of our choices have Federal Government fingerprints all over it.

If the Federal Government can provide efficient healthcare benefits and services better than the private sector, well then let the purest form of free market economics decide that. I would like to believe that the American people are smart enough to make sound decisions about what we want. We have been so conditioned in this country to not be proactive, and to wait for the Government to give us everything. It truly is sad. When the playing field is level and everyone has an equal opportunity to solicit healthcare providers and patients; then we will see the business version of Charles Darwin’s “Survival of the fittest” come into play. If there are no outrageous insurance requirements or other upfront regulatory costs for healthcare providers, taxes, fees or regulations on medicines and alternative healing methods (natural or synthetic), then we will see costs on healthcare costs drop significantly. If people want to buy medicine from Canada, that should be the individual’s decision. If those products are a fraud, then they people should be allowed to sue them and their insurance providers. Insurance companies who deal with quacks with get the message and stop insuring these types of business ventures. We don’t need the Federal Government to protect us from our own good or bad decision-making.

In short, this is simple business knowledge. If a truly free market scenario was genuinely implemented, then the quack doctors will lose their patients and get inundated with lawsuits, while the genuine, caring healthcare practitioners will thrive and be flooded with more and more customers/patients. Again, costs will drop and the difference between socialized medicine vs. private sector medicine will be crystal clear.

Third, we (the people) should focus more on establishing health rather than mending our bodies back to health. As a society, we should focus more on proactively pursuing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, rather than finding ways to medicate symptoms. If something goes wrong with our bodies, people get stuff cut out or off, they get it tucked and stuck. Let’s get more into the preventative side rather than the symptom treating side of this equation. The United States has been deemed as one of the fattest nations on the planet (and that’s not a compliment by the way). Exercise, healthier eating, clean water and air, supplementation, cleansing, etc. can dramatically decrease healthcare costs because we can take a portion of the dollars we’re spending on junk food and things that are counterproductive to a healthy lifestyle, and purchase things that will support and promote healthy living: proactive vs. reactive. Are alternative measures producing positive results for people? What about if people made a few adjustments in their everyday life?

Examples of some helpful, healthy changes we can all make (in no particular order):

  • Try ozone therapies and supplements to oxygenate the body.
  • Try drinking distilled non-chlorinated and/or non-fluoridated water, instead of sodas and alcohol.
  • Try an effective oxygen-based intestinal cleanse.
  • Try more bio-available vitamins, minerals and other necessary supplementation.
  • Try using natural sweeteners, like: raw honey, stevia or agave nectar; while eliminating refined sugar, fructose, etc.
  • Try using shower and faucet filters.
  • Eliminate sodas, cigarettes and alcohol.
  • Maintain a healthy size and weight.
  • Try some brisk walking a few times per week.
  • Try adding more raw fruits and vegetables to your daily diet, while eliminating candy, cupcakes and chips.
  • Try baking your meats rather than frying them.
  • Add Omega 3 or fish oil to your diet; and avoid foods containing trans/hydrogenated fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.
  • Don't eat genetically modified foods.
  • Don't eat foods or use products with ingredients that you can hardly pronounce.
  • Learn self-control, eat moderate portions, or eat more small meals throughout the day.
  • Try going to bed earlier and getting more quality sleep time.
  • Try being more positive, smile, and be friendly; do not let things stress you out.
  • Try using a hands free device for your cell phone.
  • Try avoiding microwave oven use.

These are just a few helpful hints, as well as some reasonable perspective on this highly politicized topic: healthcare. We don’t have time to be politically correct because people are living without good healthcare, and dying because they don’t have good information about achieving and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Again folks, I am trying to raise your awareness concerning this issue. We can’t allow our elected leaders to take the ball and run with it, especially when they aren’t supposed to have the ball in the first place. I AM NOT anti-Government, but I AM Pro-liberty for all. If you leave me alone, I promise you that I will leave you alone. So let everyone play their designated part in this life and let’s all be happy and take care of one another; and let’s allow the Federal Government to only protect our life (not through healthcare), liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Everyone needs to become a student of history, our rights and the law. Let’s get educated, and truly informed about this issue because the Nazis and the Russians had socialized medicine programs and subjective mental health screening agendas several decades ago, and we see what happened to those countries. We can correct this mess in America, but we have to stop being sheep and stop it now. Live well!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

From the Heart of a Father to My Father: A Tribute to Good Men

Dad and BG @ Madison Square Garden in 2006

Firstly, I dedicate this to my Heavenly Father because without Him nothing exists or is possible.

Secondly, I would like to dedicate this to my earthly/biological father who has impacted me in ways that I cannot completely articulate. When your life has been touched intangibly and so significantly, how can you express your gratitude sufficiently? I originally gave this to my dad for Christmas 2006, but I wanted to share this with the world and encourage others with the relationship that my dad and I share.

Thirdly, I dedicate this abridged version to the other good men in the world who are being “men:” you are acting dutifully and responsibly as a man should. As a father myself, I salute you great men. I am thankful that we are fighting the good fight together. Even if you aren’t a father, but you’re a good-hearted/God-fearing man, that is responsible, respectful, and hardworking, I salute you as well.

Men, we can do great things if we stick together and purpose to raise our children correctly, be good singles and husbands as well (Deuteronomy 32:30). Let us continue to be positive, protect our children (and wives if you are married), overcome our faults (no one is perfect, although we pursue greater levels of maturity) and strive to be all that God has called us to be. YOU ARE the head and not the tail; YOU ARE above only and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13). Godspeed to the MEN!!!!!!

Proverbs 17:6 says Children’s children (grandchildren) are the crown of old men (grandfathers); and the glory of the children is their fathers. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father that I have an earthly father of whom I am very proud. So often we see athletes and celebrities giving praise to the mothers. Thank God for my mom and the other mothers that nurture and care for the babies and raise children even in the absence of the children’s father. Good mothers should be applauded across the globe, but I want to take a few moments to applaud the men who haven't abandoned ship. Men who care for their children and endeavor to be a positive influence in their lives are a gem in the earth. The life of the child comes from God, through the human father: the only creature that was made in the image and likeness of God. The woman was taken out of man. When a child can see the attributes of God through their father, I truly believe that has a lasting and powerful effect on a child. I can truly say that I am proud to know you, and that are my father.

I have been blessed in my life with the opportunity to experience many things. One of which is having an earthly father that was actually active in raising me and teaching me things that the streets or a mother could never properly do. Any fools can have sex with a woman and make some babies, but only a man will “man-up” and be responsible for his actions. Manhood is a mental growth or transformation, a conviction, a reality of who God has made you rather than a physical maturity.

I always wanted to emulate you because you inspired me. That is Scriptural because parents are commissioned by God in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I may have deviated from the path and made some foolish decisions, but thanks in part to your teachings I made it back onto the right track, and moving forward. A child, more times than not, doesn’t appreciate sound advice, and I was no exception. But as a mature adult, I can see that the lessons that you taught me, the differences we have, and even the mistakes you made have all been positive lessons and influences in my life.

Some of the Lessons Learned

I often wondered how many guys can truly say that their biological father:

  • attended their sporting events, award ceremonies, parent/teacher meetings, graduation, etc.?
  • was actively involved in raising them?
  • taught them how to tie a tie?
  • how to shine their shoes?
  • how to break in a baseball gloves?
  • how to sew a button?
  • how to shave their face?
  • how to cook a meal?
  • how to think for themselves?
  • how to have respect for God and His Word?
  • how to appreciate their heritage and history of their heritage?
  • how to get involved in and give back to the community?
  • to stay away from drugs and alcohol?
  • to mind their own business?

These are just a few of the things that I learned from you as a young guy. I even remember when I was a teenager, and you told me that I wouldn’t understand the things that you were telling me until I was in my mid twenties and starting raising kids. You were so right. You imparted so much to me; it was always right even though I didn’t realize it. But I eventually came to understand the lessons of a true father. How blessed and fortunate I am. Another lesson you taught me (by your actions) was about sacrificing. I’ll always remember when we went to the celebration of the March on Washington in the early 80’s. It was a terribly hot day and the refreshment vendors were in limited supply. But you did whatever you could to get me something to drink and eat and keep me comfortable, even when there wasn’t enough for you. You did many more things, but that was something that stood out to me.

The Differences

I have learned from you “to get help if you need it.” You told me that one person can’t know everything. This is one of the most important lessons that I learned from our differences, because I’m the independent, do-it-yourself type. Each person is an island (an individual); but we’re not all self-sufficient to the point where we will never need the services or the resources of our fellow man from time to time. You taught me this through your example of your dramatic weight loss. It was always an issue with you that disturbed me, but when I finally saw you with that smaller frame and you told me that you accepted Christ, I felt like a proud father. But it just showed me that you were always willing to take any situation on and overcome, and I believe that you transferred that to me.

The Mistakes

I learned from you not to give up on your responsibilities. This is a Biblical teaching but it’s always helpful to see someone that you admire, a touchable person, walking out solid principles for daily living. I followed your example to be actively involved with and responsible for my child, your granddaughter. I learned from you about being a father because as it was so eloquently put in the immortal words of Fred G. Sanford, “it’s much harder to be a father than it is to become one.”

There are so many things that I’ve never expressed to you about how you’ve impacted my life in a positive way. The many talks over the past three (3) decades have helped me and are helping to mold me into a better person daily. “The Tree” was the classic example of a seemingly meaningless conversation under an ordinary tree that forever will be branded on the pages of my heart; and it was such because it was an intimate time that we shared. The subject matter was irrelevant, but what was relevant was that my father was imparting intimacy into me: time alone with my dad, just talking and eating and hanging out. I believe moments like these led me later in life into a relationship with Christ. I longed for that intimacy that you provided me on occasions such as that, and I have come to know that there is nowhere else to find it other than in Him. Once I had to leave the nest, yes I tried to do things my own way, and yes I stubbed my toe a bunch of times; but I believe in some ways, not all, I’m like you and don’t give up.

God uses fathers, like you, because earthly fathers are a physical representation of Him here on the earth. Fathers are, and should be, the embodiment of authority, leadership, protection and provision. I always felt and sensed this with you. I knew you were in charge, and I always looked to you for direction. I always felt safe when you were around, and all of my needs were always supplied. Are these words suggesting that you are perfect, you haven’t made any mistakes, or that you have no flaws? No, it just means that in whatever situation you found yourself, you always ended up doing the right thing, being a good example, or rectifying the situation. It’s just like David (an imperfect man) from the Bible; he stole a man’s wife, got her pregnant, and had him killed. Yet, according to 1 Kings 14:8 and 1 Kings 15:5, he had a heart that followed after God. My point is not that you did anything like this, but that even in some of your mistakes, you were transparent, like David, and later you would come to Christ. This spoke volumes to me, even in my adult years. And I believe that you have a heart that follows after God, as well. You’ve been and are continuing to be my great role model, instead of some celebrity. That’s the way it should be. I only hope that I can take the torch and run further than you in this life. I am proud to carry your last name and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! I end this message with a blessing 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you. Live well!!

Friday, November 16, 2007

Extravagant Lifestyles in the Pulpit: Blessings, Materialism or Fleecing the Sheep?

Is this another black eye to the Church or is this just another vicious attack by the secular powers that be? Some of the wealthiest and most world renowned ministries (Paula White, Joyce Meyer, Creflo Dollar, Eddie Long, Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn) were contacted by US Senator Charles Grassley of Iowa (the ranking Republican on the U.S. Senate Finance Committee) for possible financial misconduct. According to Grassley's office, they are trying to determine whether or not these ministries are improperly using their tax-exempt status as churches to shield lavish lifestyles. Is this a witch hunt or a legitimate inquiry by the Federal Government into the dealings of the private sector? What is lavish living and who is allowed to live the opulent life? Now remember, the enemy will always find something, small or large, to fight about because he is known as the accuser of the brethren (Revelation 12:10); however, we (the Church) shouldn’t be giving him ammunition to use against us. So let’s see if we can make sense of the evangelical faith movement of a wealth and prosperity Gospel.

The hottest celebrities, the wealthiest businessmen and investors worldwide live in the lap of luxury. They drive the best, wear the best, live in the best, and eat the best. Their careers afford them the opportunity to partake of the greatest treats and treasures that this life has to offer. But are these earthly amenities reserved only for the secular world elite? Should a preacher drive the best car? Should he/she be wealthy socio-economically speaking? Is it alright for an ordinary Church layperson to be wealthy? Is wealth the same in the hands of a Christian as it is in the hands of a secular person? Is it alright for Non-Christian religious leaders to be prosperous? What is the problem here, and why is there such an issue about prosperity for someone who professes to be a servant of God? Abraham, Job, and Solomon were all men of God in the Bible that had massive amounts of wealth, yet Christians as well as the secular world of today still respects these men of history as great and powerful men of God during their respective times.

The Prosperity Movement, in some circles of Christianity, teaches that you can live in prosperity if you adhere to certain Biblical principles concerning finances. Well, many of today’s American preachers are very wealthy and live very affluent lives; hence, the reason for Senator Grassley’s investigations. I’m not justifying the actions of these ministries because I don’t have all of the facts. But for the sake of argument let’s assume that these ministries are using their tax-exempt status as churches to shield lavish lifestyles. What is the difference between that and what ALL of the ultra rich (including politicians) do by creating blind trusts, offshore accounts and other corporate entities to shield themselves from liability? Is that right to do? What does the law say? If it’s lawful for Senator Grassley and the gang, is it wrong for these ministries in question? For some reason, it seems as though Senator Grassley is looking for a crime to fight, possibly to boost his approval rating with constituents for the next election cycle. Congressional approval ratings by the American people are at an all-time low, by the way.

Some people, Christian and secular, believe that the structure/leadership of many televangelist organizations are concentrated in one person or one family. "Churches like these are ruled as a dictatorship," says Rod Pitzer, who directs research at Ministry Watch in North Carolina, which provides advice for donors to Christian organizations. Well my argument is that many businesses are run the same way, and in the free-market, if the customer doesn’t like the way business is conducted, then the customer is free to go elsewhere. The same is true for the church. If the Church activities are not to your satisfaction, then go somewhere else, it’s really very simple.

Let your ministry be visible (hands-on)

I am not from Missouri, but I like the state motto, “Show me!” Jesus was of the same mentality. Jesus demonstrated who He was and manifested His power. He walked with people, rather than showed them the way. He was a mentor, as well as a teacher. He was touchable, accessible and reachable to even the poorest person.

Although he did train the disciples, Jesus didn’t only send people out to do ministry, he did it himself. Jesus fed 5,000 people and later 4,000 more people, He healed the sick, He blessed the children, and He raised the dead. The key is that He (Jesus) was the focal point, the visible point of contact to the ministry activity for the people. Again, Jesus was only one person, and yes He did train others to minster to the people’s needs, but Jesus was always instrumental in personally meeting the people’s needs.

Remember the story of the woman of Canaan (Matthew 15:22-28)? She came to Jesus begging for ministry to have a devil cast out of her daughter. The disciples (like some of today’s preachers) wanted Jesus to send her on her way, because she was bothering them and she wasn’t a full-blooded Jew like they were. Although Jesus did mention that He was sent to minister to the Jews specifically, He blessed her according to her faith. Jesus was visible and took the time to be a blessing to a woman in need. She wasn’t on His spiritual level, and didn’t have the formal training that He had, but He had the compassion and the love of God in Him and manifested it to that woman.

People are always going to be skeptical about ministries. They were critical of Jesus (they even considered Him to be demon possessed [John 8:48]), and people will be critical of you and I. But we shouldn’t give people a reason to criticize us. But when the ministries of today travel with great entourages, demand the greatest hotel accommodations and great sums of money to preach, yet they can’t be found during praise and worship or the prayer for salvation portion of the service, that tends to raise a red flag to me. How can some preachers minister the Word of God and while everyone is praying during the altar call, they leave the building with their team of people? Shouldn’t they be more visible and available, like Jesus was? When ministers are only visible for the crowd or a photo-op, and not truly for ministry to the people’s real needs; that is where the justified skepticism comes into play. Ministry is work, so if you’re not interested in getting your Versace suit, Mercedes and your Rolex watch dirty, then you might want to go and get a corporate job. In Matthew 20:28, Jesus said that He "came not to be ministered to, but to minister." I know many preachers who need to re-evaluate their ministry motives. We all know of churches who have Pastor's aides committees who plan birthday, anniversary and other celebratory occassions for the Pastor and his family. There's nothing wrong with being a blessing to people, but sometimes things can be a bit too extreme. Be a servant, and be a blessing!!!!! Stop looking to be served, applauded, and reap from the sheep!!!!!!!

Transfer to those around you

In my opinion, there is no reason for a financially successful church to gift an already financially well-off pastor with luxury homes, cars, and gifts etc. Many times, the church has long time faithful members walking, and riding the bus to church, and barely has enough money to pay their bills. Remember, even though you maybe teaching the true Word, some very sincere people might not grasp the teaching. Is that the preachers fault? It possibly could be, but not necessarily.

How were people’s needs met in the Bible days? What did the deacons do in the Bible, Acts 6? They made sure that everyone had all things common: their needs were met. Does James 1:27 charge us to care for the widows and the fatherless? If the Pastor and his wife have Bentleys and Navigators, while the old widow church mothers can barely afford to live off of their government benefits, how do we have all things common? Single mothers are in churches looking for answers and help, struggling to make ends meet; and at the same time endeavoring to be a faithful attendee to the services, at times without a decent car. Do we have all things common? What about these mega-churches in these big cities across America, yet there is tremendous homelessness in the city? Who is responsible for these people? Didn’t Jesus tell the Church to deal with this situation? Yes, He didn’t commission the Government to handle this problem. But many times, the Church is so content and self-righteous within the walls of the Church; while outside of the physical building, we're non-responsive, uninformed, not respected, and insignificant. We're supposed to turning the world upside down (Acts 17:6) like the Apostles did.

Do some people take advantage of some of the Church’s benevolence? Yes, but that is why the Word says that we should know those who labor among us (1 Thessalonians 5:12). Besides, if someone does take advantage of the Church's kindness, then the gift to the recipient will rise up as a witness against that person in the last day. Everyone isn’t out to scam the Church, some are, but we need to be more visible in our distributing life’s necessities to people, especially to those of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). Jesus did it, and we should strive to be like Him.

Wealth is a blessing, so that you can be a blessing

Selling books and having speaking engagements is worthy of a profit: it is a service provided. Taking oaths of poverty and thinking that poverty is a symbol of piety is NOT Scriptural and is actually false humility, mixed with ignorance of the Scriptures. Poverty is a curse (Deuteronomy 28). However, God does desire to bless His people in order to be a blessing to others and establish His covenant in the earth (Deuteronomy 8:18). I like to think of God’s blessings upon His people as a means to store up in the distribution center: accumulate to distribute, not stock up on inventory. Should we make sure that our family and friends needs are met? Yes! But how many cars can one drive at a time? How many homes can one enjoy at a time? How many shoes and outfits can one reasonably enjoy? Prosperity is a part of God's will for us, but I think that a portion of the Church is out of balance on this subject.

Personally, I love to see God’s people being blessed financially, because God does promise to reward us according to His Word (Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-15). Secular people enjoy their wealth and are very wasteful, at times. But it’s their money and they can do as they please. Christians, on the other hand, can enjoy their abundance as well, but we also have an obligation to the Kingdom of God, and not our Pastor, to establish God’s covenant upon the earth. Fine, drive your nice cars, and enjoy the nice home and vacation getaways, I’m all for that. But don’t forget that out of all of your millions, many people can be blessed of your thousands. Thousands that are meager and paltry earnings to you are the bare necessities of life to another. Let's be more cognizant of our giving to real needs.

A Witch Hunt?

Always remember that the enemy is always going to poke his head up anytime that he can. I don’t know if these ministries are stealing money or not. But why doesn’t Senator Grassley deal with the theft and corruption in Washington DC first, before he tries to handle this private sector matter of mishandling church funds and/or repositioning assets? Last time I checked, Article 1 of the US Constitution stated that the Congress shall make no laws respecting the establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Let the church handle this! This is not a Federal Government matter. If the people are getting fleeced, then let the people be proactive in bringing forth an investigation and seek justice. I want to see some investigations of Congress and their misappropriation of our tax dollars. Deal with that, Senator Grassley! That is your jurisdiction, not the Church’s affairs. Look, if these ministries are sowing this type of behavior, then believe me they will reap the fruits of this. Also, if these ministries are mishandling the supporter’s money, it is still just a drop in the bucket compared to Congress and their handling of our tax dollars. Shall we all be reminded that the Pentagon can’t account for over $2 Trillion Dollars in defense spending? That is our tax money that is missing. At least, that is all that they are reporting. Money doesn’t just disappear, someone has the money. Congress also has a tremendously low approval rating from the American people right now, to boot. So before Mr.s Grassley wants to throw stones at the Church, he should be concerned about cleaning his own house. Is that too unreasonable, Mr. Grassley?

Am I justifying these ministries? No I am not, nor am I condemning them. They will have their day in court with the Lord about this if there is any wrongdoing. But if people want to support these ministries, it’s their business. If someone wants to support Mr. Grassley’s campaign, it’s an individuals right to do so. We don’t need the government to protect us from ministries. Your job, Mr. Grassley and the rest of the Federal Government is to protect our life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness. That is all that you are obligated to do, so please do your job, Sir.

A Precedent is Being Set

This latest action against these ministries, and the Church, can be used as a precedent to go after the Church or other non-governmental entities in the future. My concern is that if this investigation is allowed to continue, then what else will people and the Government want to investigate? How often people are having sex? Will that be the next crime? That’s a bit of a stretch, but you understand my point. The Government is already out of line with this investigation, as well as other things that they are doing; the Government never seems to regress, they always become more and more intrusive.

Folks, like I always suggest, please get involved. Make these ministries and our Government accountable for their actions. You are the boss; these two entities are here to serve you, not vice versa. Ministry is service, not to be served. Government officials are our servants, as well. But if you don’t know that then they will get away with what they can. Take the information from this article and do with it what you will. There is nothing wrong with anyone prospering, but we as Christians need to make sure that we are doing more establishing of God’s covenant here on the earth, rather than filling up our empty barns, while our brothers and sisters are hurting. Live well!

Friday, November 2, 2007

You’re the Only YOU That Exists: Walking in Your God Given Individuality

"Remember always that you not only have the right to be an individual, you have an obligation to be one"—Eleanor Roosevelt

"Never follow the crowd"--Bernard M. Baruch

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”-- Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century Transcendental philosopher

“If a man does not keep pace with his companion, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.”-- Henry David Thoreau

“Envy is ignorance. Imitation is suicide.”--Ralph Waldo Emerson, 19th century Transcendental philosopher

“Never Forget! The higher we soar the smaller we appear to those who cannot fly.”--Friedrich Nietzsche, 19th century German philosopher

God, parents, heroes, mentors, leaders, and influential people in our lives are important. The good influences give us a visible and tangible example of being the best that we can be. In perspective, we have all gleaned some area(s) of our lifestyle from someone we have watched or admired from near or afar. But what about you? Ask yourself the rhetorical question, “Who am I, and what am I doing here?” If you read my article called “You Were Created for a Godly Purpose” then you already know why you are here. If you haven’t read the article, then please do so. But let’s see if we can find out more about YOU and what you are all about.

“A nice definition of an awakened person: a person who no longer marches to the drums of society, a person who dances to the tune of the music that springs up from within.”-- Anthony de Mello, 20th century Jesuit priest

Thoughts to consider about individuality:

Your DNA and genetic make-up cannot be found in another human being, dead or alive. Although, gene types may be prevalent in one race or family, no two people have the exact same DNA; not even identical twins. The same is true for your fingerprints.

God Knows how many hairs are on your head (Luke 12:7)

You are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14)

God gave you specific, strengths, talents and gifts.

You were born alone, even if you are a twin.

You will die alone, even though you may die with others, it is always reported that a certain number of individuals died. For example, approximately 3,000 people died on 9/11.

Each person will be judged and rewarded by God individually. (2 Corinthians 5:10 [Christians]; Revelation 20:11-15 [sinners])

US Declaration of Independence says “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men (individuals) are created equal, that they are endowed by their (individual) Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Jesus’ had three Apostles that were closest to him: Peter, James and John. Later, Paul became an Apostle. These four men were full of God’s revelation, and they were strong enough individuals to allow God to use the uniqueness of character that God gave them to produce the doctrines for Christian living (the New Testament). They didn’t just quote Jesus’ teachings, they built upon Jesus with the Word mixed with there own style, experience and perspective.

Don’t want to be like other people. If you want to be like someone, then be like Jesus! Everyone that you may want to emulate can and/or has failed. People can inspire you and/or encourage you, but never put your confidence in people.

Don’t emulate people’s style or personality. Let the real YOU come out from within you. You can draw from people’s talents, gifts and strengths, but never cover your own with someone else’s.

Never feel that if people don’t applaud or celebrate your individuality, that you are not good enough or can’t compete with your contemporaries. God created your individuality and an audience to showcase your gift. Keep your head up and do whatever you do as unto the Lord (Ephesians 6:5-9).

You are not an African American; you’re not a Caucasian; you’re not a senior citizen. These are groupings and you might fall into these groupings, but you are not a group. You are an individual. You may have commonalities with the group, but remember that you are not they and they are not you. You and the other individuals think, learn and respond to situations differently. Don’t get involved in groupthink and drown out the real YOU. Be you, that’s all you are.

Jesus defined who He was according to God. No one else’s opinion of Him was important. (John 8:48-50)

Although Jesus is apart of the Godhead (1 John 5:7), He is always distinguished as an individual that worked in concert with plural oneness of God (Colossians 2:9)

Individuality proves that God loves you, cares about you, and knows you personally. If not, then He would’ve made us all exactly the same.

Don’t allow people to discourage you by calling you a loner or an isolationist. Use genuine times of solitude to reflect and gather your thoughts. You can use times like this to learn about yourself and better understand the uniqueness of your individuality. Understanding yourself can also help you better understand other people. You will also get more confidence and more self-esteem about yourself if you take the time to know about and feel comfortable with yourself.

If you are never comfortable being alone with YOU, then you are not happy with yourself; either you don’t like who you are, or what you might find out you are.

If you don’t love who you are (as an individual), then you can’t love anyone else (Matthew 19:19).

Paul, Peter and James always wrote their epistles, and greeted and introduced themselves to the readers by name rather than their title. For example Colossians 1:1 says Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God. Peter, James and Jude did similarly. This demonstrates that they saw themselves as individuals, with names. They didn’t identify themselves purely by their titles. They acknowledged that they were anointed to walk in the office (Apostleship) with the designated title; but it is apparent that they were comfortable in who they were in Christ, so as not to puff themselves up and think more highly than they ought to think (Romans 12:3).

“We need not be afraid to touch, to feel, to show emotion. The easiest thing in the world is to be what you are, what you feel. The hardest thing to be is what other people want you to be.”--Leo Buscaglia, 20th century Dr. of Love

“Do not desire to fit in. Desire to lead.”--Mary Kay Ash, Founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics

This is really a bird’s-eye view to the importance of YOU as an individual. There is much more to say about the matter, but the main thing is that you start to understand the essence of YOU. God took a lot of time, and invested a lot of energy to get you here; not to mention that He broke the mold after He made you. Love God and YOURSELF and then you can love others; appreciate God and YOURSELF and then you can appreciate others; understand God and YOURSELF and then you can understand others; learn to listen to God and YOURSELF and then you can learn to listen to others; help God and YOURSELF and then you can help others; respect God and YOURSELF and then you can respect others; honor God and YOURSELF and then you can honor others; be generous to God and YOURSELF and then you can be generous to others, be patient with God and YOURSELF and then you can be patient with others; and lastly, look at the uniqueness of God and YOURSELF and then you can see the uniqueness of others. What am I saying? It’s all about YOU (Him in YOU more specifically)!!!!!! When you recognize that, He can shine through your personality, like only He can. You’re a vessel for God, so let God use the uniqueness that He created in YOU to be a conduit for Him to enter the earth. You’re created in the image and likeness of God, so act like it. Live well.


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