From the Heart of a Father to My Father: A Tribute to Good Men
Secondly, I would like to dedicate this to my earthly/biological father who has impacted me in ways that I cannot completely articulate. When your life has been touched intangibly and so significantly, how can you express your gratitude sufficiently? I originally gave this to my dad for Christmas 2006, but I wanted to share this with the world and encourage others with the relationship that my dad and I share.
Thirdly, I dedicate this abridged version to the other good men in the world who are being “men:” you are acting dutifully and responsibly as a man should. As a father myself, I salute you great men. I am thankful that we are fighting the good fight together. Even if you aren’t a father, but you’re a good-hearted/God-fearing man, that is responsible, respectful, and hardworking, I salute you as well.
Men, we can do great things if we stick together and purpose to raise our children correctly, be good singles and husbands as well (Deuteronomy 32:30). Let us continue to be positive, protect our children (and wives if you are married), overcome our faults (no one is perfect, although we pursue greater levels of maturity) and strive to be all that God has called us to be. YOU ARE the head and not the tail; YOU ARE above only and not beneath (Deuteronomy 28:13). Godspeed to the MEN!!!!!!
Proverbs 17:6 says Children’s children (grandchildren) are the crown of old men (grandfathers); and the glory of the children is their fathers. I am thankful to my Heavenly Father that I have an earthly father of whom I am very proud. So often we see athletes and celebrities giving praise to the mothers. Thank God for my mom and the other mothers that nurture and care for the babies and raise children even in the absence of the children’s father. Good mothers should be applauded across the globe, but I want to take a few moments to applaud the men who haven't abandoned ship. Men who care for their children and endeavor to be a positive influence in their lives are a gem in the earth. The life of the child comes from God, through the human father: the only creature that was made in the image and likeness of God. The woman was taken out of man. When a child can see the attributes of God through their father, I truly believe that has a lasting and powerful effect on a child. I can truly say that I am proud to know you, and that are my father.
I have been blessed in my life with the opportunity to experience many things. One of which is having an earthly father that was actually active in raising me and teaching me things that the streets or a mother could never properly do. Any fools can have sex with a woman and make some babies, but only a man will “man-up” and be responsible for his actions. Manhood is a mental growth or transformation, a conviction, a reality of who God has made you rather than a physical maturity.
I always wanted to emulate you because you inspired me. That is Scriptural because parents are commissioned by God in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. I may have deviated from the path and made some foolish decisions, but thanks in part to your teachings I made it back onto the right track, and moving forward. A child, more times than not, doesn’t appreciate sound advice, and I was no exception. But as a mature adult, I can see that the lessons that you taught me, the differences we have, and even the mistakes you made have all been positive lessons and influences in my life.
Some of the Lessons Learned
I often wondered how many guys can truly say that their biological father:
- attended their sporting events, award ceremonies, parent/teacher meetings, graduation, etc.?
- was actively involved in raising them?
- taught them how to tie a tie?
- how to shine their shoes?
- how to break in a baseball gloves?
- how to sew a button?
- how to shave their face?
- how to cook a meal?
- how to think for themselves?
- how to have respect for God and His Word?
- how to appreciate their heritage and history of their heritage?
- how to get involved in and give back to the community?
- to stay away from drugs and alcohol?
- to mind their own business?
These are just a few of the things that I learned from you as a young guy. I even remember when I was a teenager, and you told me that I wouldn’t understand the things that you were telling me until I was in my mid twenties and starting raising kids. You were so right. You imparted so much to me; it was always right even though I didn’t realize it. But I eventually came to understand the lessons of a true father. How blessed and fortunate I am. Another lesson you taught me (by your actions) was about sacrificing. I’ll always remember when we went to the celebration of the March on Washington in the early 80’s. It was a terribly hot day and the refreshment vendors were in limited supply. But you did whatever you could to get me something to drink and eat and keep me comfortable, even when there wasn’t enough for you. You did many more things, but that was something that stood out to me.
The Differences
The Mistakes
There are so many things that I’ve never expressed to you about how you’ve impacted my life in a positive way. The many talks over the past three (3) decades have helped me and are helping to mold me into a better person daily. “The Tree” was the classic example of a seemingly meaningless conversation under an ordinary tree that forever will be branded on the pages of my heart; and it was such because it was an intimate time that we shared. The subject matter was irrelevant, but what was relevant was that my father was imparting intimacy into me: time alone with my dad, just talking and eating and hanging out. I believe moments like these led me later in life into a relationship with Christ. I longed for that intimacy that you provided me on occasions such as that, and I have come to know that there is nowhere else to find it other than in Him. Once I had to leave the nest, yes I tried to do things my own way, and yes I stubbed my toe a bunch of times; but I believe in some ways, not all, I’m like you and don’t give up.
God uses fathers, like you, because earthly fathers are a physical representation of Him here on the earth. Fathers are, and should be, the embodiment of authority, leadership, protection and provision. I always felt and sensed this with you. I knew you were in charge, and I always looked to you for direction. I always felt safe when you were around, and all of my needs were always supplied. Are these words suggesting that you are perfect, you haven’t made any mistakes, or that you have no flaws? No, it just means that in whatever situation you found yourself, you always ended up doing the right thing, being a good example, or rectifying the situation. It’s just like David (an imperfect man) from the Bible; he stole a man’s wife, got her pregnant, and had him killed. Yet, according to 1 Kings 14:8 and 1 Kings 15:5, he had a heart that followed after God. My point is not that you did anything like this, but that even in some of your mistakes, you were transparent, like David, and later you would come to Christ. This spoke volumes to me, even in my adult years. And I believe that you have a heart that follows after God, as well. You’ve been and are continuing to be my great role model, instead of some celebrity. That’s the way it should be. I only hope that I can take the torch and run further than you in this life. I am proud to carry your last name and I LOVE YOU VERY MUCH! I end this message with a blessing 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you. Live well!!
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