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Sunday, May 13, 2007

The Welfare Mentality

The misnomer of welfare normally brings to mind a negative connotation of some minority mother having babies and getting a check from the government. But welfare isn't a social program, it’s a mentality. “Give me, give me, let me have me” is a little phrase I learned at school in North Carolina, and it was said to people who would so-called “asked for an inch and took a mile.” In other words, you were a beggar. Well, this to some degree, is the essence of “the Welfare Mentality (WM); taking or getting something for nothing. This isn't to be mistaken for a blessing or a gift, because a gift or blessing is given from a voluntary and willing heart, and not the product of compulsion, guilt or manipulation. Some individuals, corporations and governments have a welfare mentality and this is a part of the reason why America is having so many problems today. Corporations get subsidies from taxes through government, and welfare benefits are given, not as a temporary help, but as a lifestyle income. Many times the behavior of the recipients is counter-productive. A lot of people don’t want to hear that, but it is still the truth. There is a way to distribute to people in a way that they can retain self-dignity, get the temporary help that they need, so that they can get back on their feet. The protocol is actually: family, friends, and then private sector charities like the church. Why are things seemingly going against the way they should? Is it because the Democrats are good and the Republicans are bad? It isn't because of the Democrats and the Republicans, most of them are all shills anyway, but it’s this philosophical detour away from truth, foundational principles and common sense that has caused many around the world to mock a once loved country.

The Welfare Mentality (WM) comes in many forms, and here are some (WM) shared by individuals, corporations and governments:

· They have no aspirations to achieve or do better than the status quo.

· They always blame others for their circumstances, instead of being proactive and making personal changes.

· They have little regard for other people, their property or time. Watch out for people who drop food and spill drinks in your car and act like it’s no big deal. These people also call you at all hours of the day and show up at your house like they live there.

· They always try to beat the system and take advantage of people. Look out for people who always want a “hook-up.”

· They always play on the emotions of people who have what they want or what they don’t have. If you’ve ever been out and stopped at a traffic light, you may have seen a person holding a sigh saying “I’m a Vet, feed me. God Bless You” or “Help me go to basketball camp in Jesus' name.” I’m not against helping someone who is on hard times, a lot of us have suffered and gone through lean days. But why do I always have to see God, Jesus or a Scripture associated with a person needing help? I don’t need to be manipulated into charitable giving. A lot of preachers do the same thing. They appeal to your emotions rather than just preaching the Word and letting the Holy Spirit deal with people’s hearts. That’s manipulation and control in both instances, and the anticipated end result is a feeling of guilt, and the eventual payoff. There’s nothing for free in this world folks. There is a time for charity and a time for productive work ethic.

· They always downplay productivity, creativity or innovation. These are what I call “the haters.” Supposedly these are your friends, but you don’t feel that they will support or encourage your dream by the way you see them conducting their own life, or how they bash other people’s creativity.

· They always play the role of the victim. No one owes you anything.

· They always want a handout, but never offer to earn their way. Watch out for people you go out with and they never offer to pay for you. If they treat, it’s when you go to Cici’s Pizza, but you treat when you go to Red Lobster. If that’s the best they can do, that’s fine, but don’t walk around with a new Coach pursue and tell me that you are tired of being broke. These people eat, drink and wear their money.

· They are always being negative when others want to make a positive change away from the WM and they want to remain status quo. A lot of African Americans do this when a person wants to further their education. Some of the others in the group may say that you’re “acting white” or “bougie” if you are articulate and act a bit more professional.

· They are always being kept dependant upon a source that doesn’t care about them, their self-esteem, or their best interests. Women who sleep with men who will take care of some financial needs have a WM. People who have a WM don’t call their own shots. They are always at someone’s beckoning call, while the proverbial carrot on a string is held out in front of them. Many women who behave this way have no concept of independence or self-esteem.

· They are always finding ways to get gratification, but never have anything of their own, i.e., Prodigal Son. We all know someone who doesn’t work or cant hold a job, but they are always dressing nice and looking good, with no place to stay and ½ of a car.

· They get their WM from friends and/or family members with whom they are closest. As the saying goes, “Birds of a feather flock together.”

· Brown nosing is a form of WM. It provides job security and allows them to suck off of the system, while wasting their time, talents and resources. Cops and other law enforcement officials who don’t know the law, but just follow orders from their superiors in blind obedience, suffer from a form of WM. They say “I’m just doing my job” and that’s a lazy excuse for not being informed and/or enforcing laws that rid our communities of true crimes, not minor infractions. If you are in any form of law enforcement, and you answer “yes” to at least one of the following, then you are definitely suffering from the WM.

1. You would take law abiding citizens guns if your superiors ordered you to do so.

2. You harass citizens for seat belt violations while crack dealers are lining the streets.

3. You would frame someone in order to keep your job.

4. You would violate a citizen’s right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You are accountable for your actions to enforce the authority of the biblical civil magistrate and the original US Constitution. This mentality of “well he/she told me to do it” came from Adam, Eve and the serpent in the Garden of Eden. After Eve ate the fruit, she gave it to Adam and he ate. Then Eve blamed the serpent and Adam tried to blame Eve for why he ate the fruit. No sir/ma’am, you are accountable for your own actions! You law enforcement agents (police, military, security guards, etc.) don’t have to follow unlawful orders. The Nuremberg trials proved that. The Nazi officers who were caught after World War II tried to use that defense that they were just “following orders.” The military tribunal didn’t accept that as a rational answer and the officers were put to death or imprisoned. Remember folks, you can’t “pass the buck.” Stand on truth, reason and conviction, and act accordingly. If your superiors are ordering you to do stuff that you know is wrong, don’t just “go-along-just-to-get-along.” You should be a person of conviction, God will vindicate you.

Where did America go wrong? A lot of things were done wrong in the history of this country, but a big problem is that many things were always swept under the rug, ignored, festered and became worse. This has been going on for decades. [Author’s side note: let me preface my upcoming remarks by saying that I’m going to say something’s that you may not like, but if you read what I’m saying and think about them in context with the article, you’ll understand my point. Please do not get off-course; I’m on your team, folks. I just want to bring something’s to your attention and raise your consciousness on some issues.] We have a society that’s looking for handouts, whether they are in the form of a free lunch, more funding, job-provided benefits, 401K, retirement, health care, etc. Now I’m not saying that having these things is bad, but follow this logic. The wealthy and the elite only teach you what they want you to know. They don’t teach you what they know because that would give you an upper hand on them. Remember that! These wealthy investors take your weekly or monthly contributions into their fund and they invest it for you in vehicles to which the average person isn’t privy. They probably make 100’s of per cent per annum. But when you look at your statement, it maybe up 10%-20%. The average person is ecstatic, because it’s a lot more than the banking account yields. Well my point is that these aren’t the types of investments that the wealthy use, they have created these investments to use the average person’s money to get more wealth, and they give you a paltry user’s fee, to boot. I just want you to see the game they are playing, that’s all. I’m not suggesting that anyone liquidate their assets and invest it themselves. When you demand something of someone who doesn’t have your best interest at heart, believe me they are going to give you what you ask for, but it will always benefit them more than it benefits you. Remember that! Don't wait for people to do things for you. If you can, do some things yourself.

In government, policies such as FDR’s New Deal and LBJ’s Great Society were big “Socialist” policies that were accepted and grew with popularity in the 20th century because many people were granted entitlements (social programs). As a result of FDR’s New Deal policies, some members of the Socialist Party of America voted for the Democratic Party, in 1936. Now, that should tell you something. Later, many prominent members of the Socialist Party of America, such as: Walter Reuther, Philip Randolph and Bayard Rustin, left the party with the view that they had more chance of achieving progressive reform by being active in the Democratic Party. Folks are you listening out there?! The influence of this socialist juggernaut came from Russia, Germany and other despotic leaders in world history, and we see that this has crept into American politics. Oh but don’t worry, the Republican aren’t off the hook either. You can look at the video on my site by Rep. Ron Paul, a speech called “Neo-conned” where he explains that the Neo-conservative movement was birthed from the Trotskyites (more Socialist Russian roots [Leon Trotsky]) What in the world is going on here?! How can Americans embrace the epitome of the welfare mentality by adopting socialist views or having socialists to feel comfortable joining forces with you? That's something to think about if you vote for these people. Folks, I beg you to listen to reason. These people don’t love you. They will take care of your every need if they can get you to pay for it and vote for them. The elite have their money in tax-free foundations and trusts, they don’t pay for all of this stuff; the average person does. They always shift the burden of cost to you. They raise the prices of their products and services and pass the costs onto you. I do the same thing in my profession, if there is a side cost that I need covered, I pass it on to my customer. That’s just the way it works! Stop letting these people tell you that they are here to save you. It isn't about right and left, conservative and liberal; it's about right and wrong.

Hopefully you’re starting to understand what’s going on. It’s too bad that no one gets mad and says anything. Most people are now getting excited about Hillary and Obama, like they are going to save America or something. Every time I see these people, as well as Giuliani, McCain and the rest of these individuals, I’m repulsed. I’m digressing; I apologize. Our government compulsorily takes middle class America’s money through Unconstitutional taxation, similar to that of a socialist nation (in some instances Americans pay over 50% of their income in taxes), and we pay for all of these politicians to have lavish salaries, benefits and junkets. They demand that the American citizens provide the government with an income statement and balance sheet (filing taxes), and if you don’t do so impeccably, they will throw you in jail. But does the government, balance the budget and provide the American people with an impeccable audit of the money they have taken from the American people? No. "Total undocumented accounting adjustments for reported periods for the Department of Defense [and HUD for fiscal 1998-2000] amount to a whopping $3.3 Trillion or $11,700 for every American. The Department of Defense has failed to produce independent audited financial statements since the requirement went into effect in 1995. HUD's Inspector General refused to certify HUD's fiscal 1999 financial statements." Over $3 Trillion and no one was outraged! So what happens when they aren’t forthcoming with their accountability to us? They give us a whitewashed explanation concerning a breakdown in communication or something, and they demand an investigation (that goes nowhere). Then they say that the department was under funded, and they take more tax money from the people to give to the department/agency. If they don’t take it from you on the front-end in taxes, they just sell more bonds to the Federal Reserve, make them print more money and the American people pay it back through taxation, so either way they’ve got you. This is a WM of not being accountable, and you should be outraged! You should all confront these sheep that are waving these Bush, Hillary, and Obama posters and ask them if they know that $3 Trillion of our tax dollars is missing. They probably don't. Sheep just follow, they don't think.

Finally, people need to renew their minds about productivity. Productivity and innovation, via the Industrial Revolution, is what initially elevated American to world economic power. In the 1970’s, the Japanese cars were very inexpensive and not very resourceful cars. Today, Japanese cars dominate many American roads. Why? Because they built upon previous innovations, corrected mistakes, and now they are a perennial producer of the world’s most efficient cars. They didn’t just hang their head and ask the government to subsidize a shortfall. They progressed and built on previous successes, innovated, and voila! As far as continents are concerned today, Europe (a WM continent) is a very unproductive continent compared to Asia. Europe has the 30 hour week, and 5 week vacations, and incredible benefits for its employees. But Europe, as a whole isn’t productive and can’t compete with the innovative and progressive markets of the world, unless they reform their structure. Asian countries work harder, longer and cheaper. To which region are the American corporations outsourcing jobs by the way? They are going to India, China and other Asian countries. When people of any race are coddled and treated like victims, they are instantly crippled and will remain in the dependency stage of their lives, and won’t grow. It’s like a plant that is left in the flower pot in the kitchen, when it should be uprooted and planted outside. Or it can be likened to an air conditioning unit that’s turned on while the window is left open, a waste. But you are not a waste, God has given us all dreams, desires, goals and creativity, and whether or not you use it determines your success. Any dream is attainable, if it wasn’t then God is a tease. Remember, with God all things are possible. If you dream about yourself doing something great, where did the dream come from? You can’t create a dream, you can only recall thoughts. Remember that! It must have come from God because the enemy isn’t going to show you achievement and doing positive things. Renew your mind and see a new way to achieve, grow and build. You can do it, so let’s go!

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