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Friday, June 8, 2007

Is There Any Hope in the 2008 U.S. Presidential Race?

I say, not really. But I would like to preface this article by establishing that I do NOT have the proverbial “axe to grind” with anyone or any party. I am NOT a Democratic or a Republican supporter. I am not a part of any left wing or right-wing ideologues groups or think tanks. I am, however, a supporter of issues and candidates that stand firm on and have convictions that are in line with the Judeo-Christian ethic (Bible principles) and the Founding documents (Bill of Rights, US Constitution 1788) for this country. I am being honest by telling you that this will not be an objective article, because these gentlemen and woman are just demagogues for corporate interests on most issues. [Please read my article called Apologetics]. Now let’s see what the media doesn't want you to see.

A few observations are worth noting: the debates for the 2008 election are starting nearly 2 years before the actual election [Author’s thought: this tells me that the American people are fed up with the foolishness of politics. President Bush’s and Congress’ very low approval ratings can attest to this. So the phony politicians want to shove themselves down your throat for the next 1-2 years, and by means of sheer repetition, people will tow the party line.]; the field of candidates for the Democrats is slim and the field for the Republicans is much larger [Author’s thought: the 3 major candidates, Former Vice-Presidential Candidate John Edwards, Senator Barak Obama, and Senator Hillary Clinton are the most visible people and the most well-funded of the Democrats. This doesn’t mean that they are qualified to run the country, but to the average American if they’re on TV, they must know what they are talking about. {Please forgive my sarcasm, but this really disturbs me} All these candidates are doing is blaming the policies of the Bush Administration for the mess America is in but these guys are dancing around the questions and the audience is so star-struck to see that many celebrities at one time, that they just applaud at anything. How disgraceful!]; some of the questions for this debate are becoming more and more “softball-esque” with limited time for a substantive answers, not to mention that the one or two substantive candidates, Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo, are getting silenced in comparison to the other establishment candidates.


Former Sen. John Edwards (NC), Sen. Joe Biden (DE), Sen. Barack Obama (IL) and Sen. Hillary Clinton (NY) participate in the “Carnival Barker Road Show” and were joined by Gov. Bill Richardson, Sens. Christopher Dodd and Joseph Biden, former Sen. Mike Gravel, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich for the June 3, 2007 debate.

I'm not going to waste a lot of time and energy on this bunch, and I hope that you don't either. Sen. Barak Obama is the newest of the Democratic Party stars that is making headlines, raising a lot of money and attracting support. He’s your typical leftist, big government democrat, and surprisingly he finally mentioned something about being black (I guess because he went to a black church, hhhmmmmmmm); Sen. Hillary Clinton is the carpetbagger from Arkansas who took advantage of her husband’s Presidency to gain control of the Senate seat in New York, and New Yorkers fell for it. I heard the supposed kooks and “conspiracy theorists” back in 1993 talking about how she wanted to eventually become President and everyone laughed. She denied it the entire time; I guess the joke is on you, America. And lastly, we can't forget Former Vice-Presidential Candidate John Edwards, the trial lawyer. Well, need I say more? Don't worry folks, the Democrats aren't going to save you. They just play the game and are making big money while they tell you want you and the rest of the country want to hear. You may as well "write-in" Mickey Mouse on the ballot. If you're a Christian, I really can't understand what Biblical reasoning you use for voting a straight Democratic ticket. Don't waste your time explaining, there isn't one. I hope that I'm provoking you to anger and challenging your beliefs so that you can at least make the desicion to vote based upon your personal, Godly convictions and not on other people's thoughts. Don't worry, I'm getting ready to lay it on the Republicans now. I despise the Democrats more though, because they purport this idea that they love the minorities and the poor. HAHAHA! It is to laugh. Most minorities, especially African Americans buy into these lies, well at least at the polls they demonstarte this but their voting loyalty. In actuality, these people can't stand you. You're a pathetic peon to these elite megalomaniacs. Do you still love me, folks?


On June 5, GOP declared candidates stand together before the start of their first primary debate (left to right): Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA), Fmr. Gov. Mike Huckabee (AR), Fmr. Gov. Jim Gilmore (VA), Fmr. Gov. Mitt Romney (MA), Sen. Sam Brownback (KS), Rep. Ron Paul (TX), Rep. Tom Tancredo (CO), Fmr. Gov. Tommy Thompson (WI), Fmr. Mayor Rudy Guiliani (NY) and Sen. John McCain (AZ).

Congressman Ron Paul, Former NYC Mayor Rudolph Giuliani, Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Sen. John McCain are the major candidates running. Giuliani is one of the worst political hacks that has ever entered into politics. Anytime he gets in a bind, he starts screaming about 9/11 and how he was a tough guy that day. Of the people in the Republican picture shown above, MAYBE 2 of them aren’t bought off.

The shills speak..............McCain, Guiliani, and Romney “have echoed Bush’s longstanding assertion that Iraq is the ‘central battlefront’ in the worldwide war against Al Qaeda and have declared that Al Qaeda would make Iraq its base of operations if the United States withdraws,” thus extending the neocon fabulist ruse, designed to carry out war against ill-defined enemies for generations, as promised. But then, as Winston Smith (1984, the movie) discovered when he read Emmanuel Goldstein’s book, “War is Peace. Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength.” [Author's thought: They don't want the troops to come home, they won't come home. Watch!]

Bush supporters, soon enough to lend support to McCain, Guiliani, or Romney, parrot stories about turban-wearing terrorists they have completely surrendered their higher reasoning faculties, that is if they had any to begin with. “The belief that there is a clear connection between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks has been a key determinant of support for the war. A Harris poll taken two weeks before the 2004 presidential election found that a majority of Bush’s supporters believed that Iraq was behind the 9/11 attacks—a claim that Bush has never made. Eighty-four percent believed that Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein had ’strong links’ with Al Qaeda, a claim that intelligence officials have long disputed…. But critics have maintained that Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney encouraged these ideas by using misleading terms to describe the threat posed by Iraq before the war.” [Author's thought: Imagine that, a politician using misleading terms. I not going to waste anymore time on this circus, moving right along.]

{Author’s conclusion}

The interesting thing is that I really enjoy politics and the intellectual discussion that it promotes. What I don’t like is that 99% of the people we elect to office are criminals. The race this year seems to be filled with more people from both sides that want to perpetuate an already “out-of-control” government. The Democrats have been crying that President Bush is taking the country in the wrong direction, seizing dictatorial-like control in some aspects. Yet, since the Democrats took control of the House last year, they have done nothing to rescind any of the laws that supposedly infuriated them when they were the minority. This tells me the Democrats are just window dressers, and not about substance. But they will campaign like nothing ever happened because they know that the American people are too preoccupied with Grey’s Anatomy, the baseball season and the NBA Playoffs to do anything. They said that they wouldn’t seek impeachment of the President; they won’t repeal any of his Unconstitutional Executive Orders, and mark my words the troop won’t be coming back anytime soon. The troops protect too many assets and interests around the world to bring them home. So don’t count on it! You may see a few thousand soldiers return home, but for the most part, they’ll just get shifted around the world or find some way to entice new recruits to join. They may suggest reinstituting a draft if things get bad enough. Democrat Charlie Rangel (NY) did mention that a few years ago.

The bottom line is that we have the potential new boss coming in, same as the old boss leaving. The old adage of the "lesser of two evils" still equates to settling with evil as a choice, and that just doesn't make sense. If you are a Christian, that definitely shouldn't make sense, nor should it be an option for you. The choices that we have been given across the board, again, are corporate shills and special interest, soft money socialists. But there is a dark horse running that makes good Constitutional sense, Rep. Ron Paul (Texas). He doesn’t have the political influence that some candidates have, nor does he have the war chest that they have. But at least I can say that he is consistent and principled. I can’t say that about anyone else running in either party. There is a small chance that this libertarian medical doctor from Texas is going to win the Republican nomination. His strict noninterventionist policy is too radical a change for Republicans. But on foreign policy the Republican Party could use a dose of criticism that gets to the root of things; and that is what Paul has to offer. The interesting thing is that Ron Paul was listed at Sportsbook.com with odds of 200 to 1 many weeks ago. In fact, early in the month he was not even offered on the political betting menu. Sportsbook.com (see website here) had experienced such a dramatically insurgence of betting action on Mr. Paul over the past two weeks they were forced to slash odds from 200 to 1 to the current 15 to 1 odds. "Ron Paul is a serious contender whose grass roots campaign is growing dramatically," explains Payton O'Brien, Senior Editor of Gambling911.com, one of the world's leading political betting news sources. "No other single candidate for US President has received the type of interest generated here at Gambling911.com." Case in point, articles on Ron Paul in some cases generated four times the amount of interest than both Hillary Clinton and Rudolph Giuliani articles combined. [Author's thought: Interesting, but why haven’t you and I heard much about him? I wonder why.]

Ron Paul is the only candidate (regardless of the party) to carry a message that resonates with the Judeo-Christian ethic (the Bible) and the US Constitution. Imagine that!!!!!! (How offensive for someone to honestly hold dear to a standard. I'm digressing again, forgive me.) Paul's thoroughbred anti-war and anti-big government stance is encouraging, but the establishment press has done their level best to keep Paul in the shadows while lying in claiming that every participant featured in last week's debate was pro-war.

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate to have voted against the Iraq war.

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who will not seek to lead the U.S. into a military confrontation with Iran, something also that Democrats Obama, Clinton and Edwards have all vowed to keep "on the table."

Concerning the Immigration Bill, only Reps. Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul answer this issue directly and correctly. Paul says, “The reality is that this bill will grant amnesty to virtually all of the 12 to 20 million illegal aliens in the country today. Supporters use very creative language to try and convince us that amnesty is not really amnesty, but when individuals who have entered the United States illegally are granted citizenship – regardless of the fees they are charged – what you have is amnesty.”

Ron Paul is the only Republican candidate who is not compromised while the likes of Giuliani and Romney have more skeletons in their closet than a fancy dress boutique. He holds true conservative values unlike the vehemently pro-abortion Giuliani and Romney.

Ron Paul is the only candidate period that has promised to abolish the IRS and end the fraudulent fiat-based money system that is crippling America's economy while lining the pockets of the ultra-rich.

Ron Paul in Debate at Reagan Library (May '07)

Ron Paul on Bush and the Neo-Cons

"I think the arrogance of power that they have where they themselves are like Communists....in the sense that they decide what is right. The Communist Party said that they decided what was right or wrong, it wasn't a higher source."

"Mr. President," one aide in the meeting said. "There is a valid case that the provisions in this law undermine the Constitution." "Stop throwing the Constitution in my face," Bush screamed back. "It's just a goddamned piece of paper!" I've talked to three people present for the meeting that day and they all confirm that the President of the United States called the Constitution "a goddamned piece of paper."

"Congress has generously ignored the Constitution while the President flaunts it, the courts have ignored it and they get in the business of legislating so there's no respect for the rule of law.”
~ Rep. Ron Paul (Texas)

Watch out for Fred Thompson, the "Law & Order" actor and former Tennessee senator. He is quietly getting support from a Bush family member that may highlight a stream of former Bush-Cheney aides and supporters who are signing on with Thompson. George P. Bush, a nephew of President Bush, has contributed to the prospective presidential campaign of Fred Thompson and signed an e-mail asking friends and associates to do the same. But all this tells me is that this is a field spread thin with dung. I’m done now you can go back to sleep.

1. He has integrity and is a True Constitutionalist!

2. He is against the Federal Reserve and the Income Tax!

3. He wants to really secure our nations borders.

4. He believes that Government is too large.

5. He is against internationalism and corporatism.

6. He believes in a gold backed currency.

7. He believes in Pro-Life and Pro-Family values.

8. He may be the last chance to save the Republic.

"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win."
~ Mohandas Gandhi


BG said...

Ron Paul Excluded in Iowa.
Iowans for Tax Relief and Iowa Christian Alliance will host a presidential candidates forum on Saturday, June 30th in Des Moines. Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney, Sam Brownback, Jim Gilmore, Mike Huckabee, Tommy Thompson, and Tom Tancredo will participate.

Ron Paul, however, will not participate. Why? Because he wasn’t invited.

We heard about this forum from numerous supporters in Iowa who asked why Dr. Paul was not going to participate. Those supporters assumed that Dr. Paul was invited.

The campaign office had not received an invitation so we called this morning; thinking we might have misplaced the invitation or simply overlooked it. Lew Moore, our campaign manager, called Mr. Edward Failor, an officer of Iowans for Tax Relief, to ask about it. To our shock, Mr. Failor told us Dr. Paul was not invited; he was not going to be invited; and he would not be allowed to participate. And when asked why, Mr. Failor refused to explain. The call ended.

Lew then called Mr. Steve Scheffler, president of the Iowa Christian Alliance, to talk with him. Mr. Scheffler did not answer so Lew left a message. He has yet to respond.

Why are the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluding the one Republican candidate who scored at the top of every online poll taken after the MSNBC, Fox News, and CNN debates? Why are they denying Iowans the opportunity to hear from the Republican presidential candidate whose popularity is growing by the day?

We couldn’t get answers to these questions from Messrs. Failor and Scheffler. Maybe you’ll have better luck. Their contact information is below.

It's ironic that on the same day we learned the Iowans for Tax Relief and the Iowa Christian Alliance excluded Dr. Paul from their candidates forum, we received a call from ABC News confirming Dr. Paul’s participation in its nationally broadcast August 5th debate to be held in Des Moines.

BG said...

Ron Paul Still Ignored by Sunday Newspapers, Mainstream Media

Internet Buzz, Appearances on Dennis Miller and the Daily Show Spur Little Additional Mainstream Media Coverage
By C.M. Paulson
Published Jun 04, 2007

A survey of Sunday newspapers (conducted via Google News and the Pittsburgh newspapers) shows that Dr. Paul has received little or no coverage from the mainstream news outlets this weekend.

A Sunday Google News search shows only two references to Ron Paul, with both of these being Letters to the Editor to small New York newspapers (The Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin and the Elmira Star Gazette). All other weekend Google News stories regarding Ron Paul were either spoofs, such as "Ron Paul Avatar Elected US President in Second Life," or editorials written by online news organizations.

Reading through the Pittsburgh newspapers (as a sample of what Americans were reading about in their Sunday papers) provided a similar picture. The somewhat liberal Pittsburgh Post-Gazette provided editorials regarding Barack Obama and President George Bush. The more conservative Pittsburgh Tribune-Review editorial section offered even more election coverage, with extensive pieces about Hillary Clinton, Fred Thompson, Barack Obama, and Bill Richardson. Most of these pieces were not positive, but they were coverage nonetheless. (The Tribune-Review did run an editorial piece in Monday's paper titled "Why pummel Ron Paul," which discusses how some Republicans are looking to exclude Dr. Paul from debates because they disagree with his political beliefs and straight-talking attitude).

National coverage of Ron Paul was also lacking. An AP article titled "New Hampshire GOP battle each other," discusses New Hampshire Republicans preparing for Tuesday's debate, with no mention of Dr. Paul. Typically conservative Fox News offers only two articles regarding Ron Paul, with one of these being Dr. Paul's candidacy announcement and the other discussing how Dr. Paul's campaign hopes to use the internet to further his cause. ABC News ran a June 2 story regarding Dr. Paul's online popularity, but that was the only mainstream media coverage that Ron Paul's campaign received over the weekend.

This lack of mainstream media coverage has prompted an online, grassroots campaign working to promote Ron Paul's candidacy (refer to articles Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Gains Internet Popularity and Analysis: Is Ron Paul Internet Buzz Real or Spam?) Blogs and bulletin boards around the net have been devoted to discussing Ron Paul's views on the issues and Ron Paul has been one of the most searched for phrases on blog site Technorati.com.

BG said...

Ron Paul Internet Success May Reflect Deeper Trend, Study Results Suggest

Pew Research Center Study Shows that More and More Voters Are Getting Their Political Information from the Internet
By C.M. Paulson
Published Jun 15, 2007

Ron Paul Internet Success May Reflect Deeper Trend, Study Results Suggest

As such, the recent online success the Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul has achieved should not be immediately discounted, as suggested by political pundits such as Rush Limbaugh (Is Ron Paul Internet Buzz Real or Spam?).

To the contrary, the Pew/Internet research study titled "Election 2006 Online" stated that 15% of Americans relied on the internet for their primary source of election news, compared with 18% in 2004 (the last presidential election) and 11% in 2000. If the 64% increase between the two previous presidential elections continued for the 2008 presidential election, then this would correlate to 29% of Americans viewing the internet as their primary source of political news. This would be good news for Dr. Paul, as his campaign buzz has reached an almost fevered pitch online (Presidential Candidate Ron Paul Gains Popularity on the Internet).

As more Americans choose to use the internet as a primary source of political information, less and less are choosing to pick up the newspaper. Only 34% of Americans viewed the newspaper as a source of election news in 2006, as compared with 57% in 1992. Television as a source of election news also significantly decreased from 82% to 69% over the same period (note that the numbers don't add to 100% as people were allowed to select more than one "primary" source in this survey).

Although Ron Paul's campaign has been virtually ignored by the mainstream media (Ron Paul Still Ignored by the Mainstream Media), the Pew study shows that this may not be as great a concern as some Ron Paul supporters may think. Over 53% of those who use the internet as a primary source of political information seek information from "non-mainstream" sites, such as blogs or candidate websites. Interestingly, 19% of Americans state that they rely on satire sites or shows like the Daily Show for their information. Since Ron Paul has appeared on both the Daily Show and the Colbert Report, this will certainly help him to improve his exposure with all voters.

The Pew study concluded that although many Americans do still get their political news from mainstream media sources (both online and through TV and newspapers), more and more voters are choosing to use the internet to find out more about the potential candidates. This would certainly help the case of "underdog" candidate Ron Paul, who thus far seems to be winning the election on the internet.

BG said...

The Truth Why Ron Paul Is Excluded From Iowa Forum

It appears that Ed Failor Jr. (an officer for the forum) is senior adviser on the McCain Campaign in Iowa! Talk about a conflict of interest, huh? This is another site that says he is with the McCain Campaign just in case they try to say it's not true. And why not another which is a press release from McCain's Campaign itself!

Not only is he an adviser, but he has donated $1250 to the McCain 2008 campaign on March 31, 2007. This information is confirmed here.

How much more ridiculous will this get? Do they really think they can get away with something this blatantly obvious?

After about a half hour of Google searching, it appears that Failor has had a blind eye towards Ron Paul all along. In every single article, they say how "all" the presidential candidates each have their own challenges to overcome with Iowa's religious conservative views. Now rather than say Ron Paul matches their views, they completely leave out his name in every single article I have read.


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